Pink Fluffy Cloud

In Pink Cloud 07

Behold, lots of fluffy pink and white, like... cottoncandy :D A mass of photos down there, but I got a bit excited!

I switched up clothes for Cotton, Milki and Hani, since I'm expecting new eyes for the Cupcake girls and a new dress for Hani-Boo. I just paid for customs for those eyes and can't wait to get some new Dollbakeries home ^-^ As they arrive, I hope to post photos next weekend. Funny thing, btw, the tracking for the eyes showed that the package weighed 1,8kg! That would have been quite a lot for 4 pairs of eyes! :D The customs slip however told me that it was 0,2kg, a weight I can actually believe...

In Pink Cloud 05
"This post was supposed to be about meee!"
Yeah, yeah, back to Cots. As I said, Hani is waiting for a new outfit, so I wanted to try out the white dress Hani was wearing on Cotton. I also rotated her wig backwards, so only the white and pink show. ...Aaand if you look, you might notice I gave her white lashes :D

In Pink Cloud 09
"Pretty lashes!" :3
I like the lashes for this look, but I think I should maybe try to find some pinks ones for her as well. I dunno, it might be too much pink? The whites are versatile for most looks, but thenagain they might be too sweet?

In Pink Cloud 10
"Oh, but I am so sweet ~♥"

In Pink Cloud 11

In Pink Cloud 12

Above portraits were taken with the 10mm tube, btw. I'm really loving the 10mm, too bad it is such crappy quality. I'll have to get a new one soon.

In Pink Cloud 06

Thenagain, Taku takes excellent photos without any extensions as well. :3

In Pink Cloud 04

In Pink Cloud 03

I also tried the 16mm tube for these last two shots:

In Pink Cloud 02

In Pink Cloud 01
"See you again soon, hehe!"
The 16mm tube is quite nice for taking close-ups of eyes though :D So I'll be using this combo for when my DBs arrive ^-^ Ooh, I just hope they are what I want them to be... High expectations, high risk, but high rewards!


  1. Ihanan hattaraisia kuvia <3

  2. Cotton is just so pastel perfect!!! love all the shots! I think pink eyelashes will suit her, though white ones look really nice too.
    Can't wait to see the new eyes!

    1. I can't wait either! ^-^ They should be available for pickup today at the post, but I'm not sure if I have the time to go.


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