Oops, I Did It Again...

Kuva, jonka Fyrd (@fyrd8th) julkaisi
I know I haven't written anything in a while and I still haven't even posted the photos from our Halloween meetup X( There's still time, right?! But lately Loki just hasn't given me any time to edit photos or even really use a computer. And I hate doing blog updates on my phone. But this time I have to! ^-^

See these two dolls? They are actually just heads atm, borrowing Nuu's and Rigel's bodies. But I just might have paid for two new CW Teenie bodies that would make these two whole dolls as well XD One of them is an older yellowed out body so I have to see if I have to give it a soda bath on arrival or if it matches Other-Nuu's yellowed head as it is. The other is actually a boy body, but I have a few mis-gendered dolls here as it is so it isn't much of a problem. My dolls don't really go without clothes so you wouldn't even know what sort of bumps they have between their legs.

The bodies are kind of my Yule presents for myself, although I swore I'd tone down the gift budget this year... And in addition to these bodies, I have all sorts of things coming, both for dolls and myself.

I made an order with Bodyline to buy an all black onepiece that would be a more conservative outfit, but still loliable. The idea came when I bought these adorable matt black Lola Ramona high heel shoes. They just demanded a loli outfit to go with them. And of course I ordered wristcuffs to match it :P Now I just need a black headdress, but I might ask my sister to make one for me.

I also did a Taobao order to buy a few new loli shirts (since none of my old ones fit me and probably never will again :( ), a black underskirt and some Teenie shoes. Lastly, I preordered a smoking hot hoodie from Bioware store and it is now shipped as well ^-^ I can wear that on a jeans-day. Although now I somewhat want brown leather boots (loose strapped ones or somewhat piratey looking) to seal the look :D Just goes to prove that once you start spending, it just snowballs from there...

Now to just wait until all of this loot is home! :D


  1. Vaikka tää siun blogi lieneekin enemmän nukkepainotteinen, niin olisi kiva kuulla mielipidettä esim. noista Taobaon lolivaatteista joita olet ostellut ja mistä kaupoista oot ylipäänsä ostanut :) Taosta tuntuu löytyvän kaikkea kivaa, mutta epäröin aina kovasti että mikä sitten olisikaan hyvää laatua...

  2. Juu oon postaillut myös loliostoistanu, mut oon vaan ollut kovin huono ottamaan niistä kuvia >_< Mut näistä tiedän jo et Classical Puppetin alushame on laadukas, mulla on sama jo valkoisena kaapissa. Nää paidat joita tilailen Strawberryltä ovat vähän hit/miss... Kankaat ihan hyviä ja ompelujälki ammattimaista, mut joissain malleissa napit irtoilee koko ajan. Spicalla taas on enemmän kokemusta sit Taobaon JSKsta/hameista.

    Mut koetan tehdä tällä kertaa kattavamman arvostelun kunhan tavarat saapuu! ^-^


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