New Things

Well, not the most inventive of headings, but it'll have to do. I got the new wigs for Hippu and Manna, the latter of which Nuu is currently using although the shear weight of the thing almost topples her. At first this mint wig wasn't working for Hippu, but after tedious styling and finding the right ribbon it's now cute :) And on the subject of incoming goods and toppling over, I got a response from Soom about the difference in torso parts of my two Teenie Gems. Hippu had an(other) manifacturing flaw and should have come with a 'ring part' in his lower torso. Nuu has this piece and it's keeping her sitting and standing straight. Well, Soom is now mailing me the part and after I glue it to Hippu's torso, he'll pose as nicely as his friend.

Another Soom news anxiety is the upcoming next MD release. I'm fearing it might be TG sized foxes... And with the right face sculpt... There'll be a chibi Fyrd... But on the bright side, whether it's in NS or WS, I can just get the head and have it share the body with either of my other dolls. But looking back on Soom TG releases, they tend to have pretty non-devilish characteristics. so I'm pretty sure I'm safe from being Soomed. I'm thinking of getting fox ears all the same, but I can get them cheaper from elsewhere. I really need to save my cash for the wedding... After that... Then I can start really contemplating on getting a Soom Beyla to be my man-eating white unicorn-centaur ;) Lani, that is. but for now, I'm satisfied on my renewedly cute Hippu, Nuu getting her face and dreaming of Manna.


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