Summer Coord is Coming Together
So like I mentioned, we went shopping for a bit after the picnic on Monday. We went to this accessory shop named Glitter that is full of earrings, necklaces and almost anything you'd want to put on your head. I had heard that they had cute teddybear necklaces for sale and I wanted to get one, but in the end the flower headbands they had for sale stole the show.
We saw them first right outside the store and I was drawn to them. I have wanted a rose theme coord and this one makes a perfect headdress for it. Maybe even coupled with a bonnet... Oh I just have this ott romantic idea of what a rose coord would look like. But! I still would need all the clothes for it XD Thenagain I have to start somewhere, no? And I think I can make this headband work with a couple of my existing skirts, mainly the BtSSB ones.
But before the rose coord I really wanted my strawberry coord done this summer, ready for midsummernight. I ended up caving when I saw this Melty Berry Princess skirt for sale in just the colourway I had wanted. Paid a bit more than I usually want to for a skirt, but hey, it nagged me long enough so I just had to get it or I'd regret it once the opportunity was gone. And after all it is the cornerstone of my strawberry coord :D
I already have strawberry jewellery and the Berry Princess headband that I bought from Hellocon but I was missing something to wear on my neck. In the Hellocon's AP fashion show I noticed how the Berry Princess JSK had this lovely shiny red ribbon detail at the neck and I though I'd make something similar to wear with a shirt. I also had the idea of getting a hay hat for the coord (to wear outside), since I'm going to wear it in the countryside for midsummers. So when I saw this white har at Glitter, I knew it would be perfect. It originally came with a brown faux leather cord and a white flower attached to it, but they were removable so I tuned the hat to suit my coord better. I then bought satin ribbon from the fabric store and tied it around the hat and made a clip-on of the rest. I folded the ends and sewed them with a few stitches so they look cuter. At least that is what I was going for :D I dunno, they look more polished to me line this than if the ribbon was just hanging loose.
And then I got the teddybear necklace. :) I won't be using it with Berry Princess, but with other sweet coords. I think it might look really nice with my pink Baby skirt since that one actually has bears on it.
You'll have to wait for a few weeks to see the full strawberry coord though, but I'll be sure to post it once I wear it. I just hope there's at least one shirt that will fit me and work with it, otherwise it'll take on a more erololi vibe... :P
So like I mentioned, we went shopping for a bit after the picnic on Monday. We went to this accessory shop named Glitter that is full of earrings, necklaces and almost anything you'd want to put on your head. I had heard that they had cute teddybear necklaces for sale and I wanted to get one, but in the end the flower headbands they had for sale stole the show.
We saw them first right outside the store and I was drawn to them. I have wanted a rose theme coord and this one makes a perfect headdress for it. Maybe even coupled with a bonnet... Oh I just have this ott romantic idea of what a rose coord would look like. But! I still would need all the clothes for it XD Thenagain I have to start somewhere, no? And I think I can make this headband work with a couple of my existing skirts, mainly the BtSSB ones.
But before the rose coord I really wanted my strawberry coord done this summer, ready for midsummernight. I ended up caving when I saw this Melty Berry Princess skirt for sale in just the colourway I had wanted. Paid a bit more than I usually want to for a skirt, but hey, it nagged me long enough so I just had to get it or I'd regret it once the opportunity was gone. And after all it is the cornerstone of my strawberry coord :D
I already have strawberry jewellery and the Berry Princess headband that I bought from Hellocon but I was missing something to wear on my neck. In the Hellocon's AP fashion show I noticed how the Berry Princess JSK had this lovely shiny red ribbon detail at the neck and I though I'd make something similar to wear with a shirt. I also had the idea of getting a hay hat for the coord (to wear outside), since I'm going to wear it in the countryside for midsummers. So when I saw this white har at Glitter, I knew it would be perfect. It originally came with a brown faux leather cord and a white flower attached to it, but they were removable so I tuned the hat to suit my coord better. I then bought satin ribbon from the fabric store and tied it around the hat and made a clip-on of the rest. I folded the ends and sewed them with a few stitches so they look cuter. At least that is what I was going for :D I dunno, they look more polished to me line this than if the ribbon was just hanging loose.
And then I got the teddybear necklace. :) I won't be using it with Berry Princess, but with other sweet coords. I think it might look really nice with my pink Baby skirt since that one actually has bears on it.
You'll have to wait for a few weeks to see the full strawberry coord though, but I'll be sure to post it once I wear it. I just hope there's at least one shirt that will fit me and work with it, otherwise it'll take on a more erololi vibe... :P
Ihania löytöjä! ? Mansikkacoordi näyttää rakentuvan mallikkaasti ja odotan innolla, että pääsee näkemään kuvia valmiista coordista :3 Hameen printti on niin kaunis ja siitä tulee tosi kesäinen fiilis~
VastaaPoista:3 Tää on eka kerta kun oikeesti rakennan coordia jonkun tietyn aiheen ympärille. Kaikki muut asut ovat tulleet, kun olen vain tullut ostaneeksi tarpeeksi yhteensopivia vaatteita. Toki uskon että saan mix'n'matchattyä Berry Princessin muidenkin vaatteiden kanssa, mutta tämä tietyn yhden kokonaisuuden kokoaminen on ollut kovin antoisaa :) Aion siis kokeilla sitä jatkossakin. Ruusut, täältä tullaan!
VastaaPoistaYou got some lovely pieces!! I love it all, specially the skirt
VastaaPoistaThe skirt is indeed ultra-cute :3 When I was dreaming of a berry print skirt, this one really delivered. Of course AP has released other cute strawberry prints as well, like Milky Berry, but Berry Princess is the right one for me with all the whipped cream details. At least I hope they are whipped cream... :P But I'm not saying that this will be my one and only AP berry print. I have long since learned not to say 'never' in a hobby.
VastaaPoistaKannatti hankkia toi hame. Nyt ymmärrän miksi halusit sen, sen ympärillehän saa ihan törkeän hienon coordin tehtyä. *__*
VastaaPoistaIhanat hankinnat teit kyllä Glitteristä ja oon niin kade sulle kun toi korihattu sopi niin hyvin sun kasvoihin. Vielä toi nauha niin <3 Siis tosi hienosti laitoit noi nauhat, saat näyttää mulle miten se tehdään. :'D No okei, parilla pistolla kiinni, mutta... :'D
Nalleriipus on tosi söpö ja sopii taatusti sun sweettaricoordeihin. Apua tässähän innostuu lolitasta ihan uudestaan kun tätä postausta katsoo. x3
Hahaa my evil lolita-corruption plans are working! Bwahaha! XD
VastaaPoistaJuu nyt kun kaapissa on jo paljon perushameita, niin tällaset teemaprintit alkaa kutkuttaa enemmän. No, onhan mulla aika lailla suklaateemaakin, mutta vaikka suklaakorujakin on, en ajattele niitä kuitenkaan 'suklaa-coordeina', vaan ruskeina tai minttu-ruskeina tms.
Mä taas oon kade sun pinneistä XD En osaa ikinä oikein käyttää niitä järkevästi, enkä siten myöskään omista niitä kuin muutaman. Ja tuon nauhan rypytys on tosi helppoa kunhan tosiaan näkee missä ne pistot on kiinni. Näytän mielelläni! Itse löysin tämän tyylin, kun jo myydyssä AP:n JSKssani oli tällainen rypytetty nauha. Se oli mielestäni niin söpö yksityiskohta *_*
Menin muuten Lolibraryyn etsimään kaikkea tagista Strawberries ja nähtyäni ne brandihatut, niin täytyy varmaan vielä parannella munkin hattuu vielä... Jotain ketokukkia tohon rusetin viereen tms.