An Amazing Surprise

photo by Miyadoll

I got pretty much the best news (can't hope for world peace or anything, so I'll settle for these little personal wins) to start the year 2017, as many of you noticed in Instagram. Actually quite a lot of you noticed it before me, and kindly let me know that I had won a raffle hosted my Miyadoll! :D I had entered not really expecting to win or anything, I just thought that the doll was very cute and I wanted to do my small share of spreading word about her starting company. Actually I knew that it would actually cost me money to win, since I would definitely have to get a body for the head anyway... But it is a good way to spend money, so I'm not really complaining!

So I am now - on top of the tan Bygg from Soom - waiting for a tan (milktea, what a cute name for resin color *_*) OE Poppy with a LittleMocha body. :3 So the resin colour of the left doll, and the face of the right. and body of neither, instead I chose to go with a 31cm body, so she'll actually be closer to Random in size. Actually her name will also be somewhat close to Random's theme. I decided to call her Surprise, since she came so out of the blue. She might also be called Confetti or Confi or something, I think her full name will be Confetti Surprise.

photo by Dollbakery

Going with the confetti name, I finally have someone for whome I can order these amazing Confetti eyes from Dollbakery :D So much glitter!

My first instinct was (of course) to turn Poppy into a cute lolita-wearing girl with blond hair and classical vibes. But after coming up with the name, I have steered more towards a decora-kind-of look. Since her eyes, hair and probably clothes will have much sparkle in them, I think I might have to keep the face-up a bit more toned down, although I would really like to experiment with silver-paint freckles :3 She's going to be so much glitter-vomit if I don't reel it in...

photo by Frappzilla Studios

photo by Frappzilla Studios

For wigs: I ordered these two (plus a preorder opal blend long one with bangs) from the recent Frappzilla wig event and I hope Confi might be able to use one of them. The other wig will go for the new Bygg and maybe Cotton or Meringue will snatch the last one. Argh, there were so many other nice wigs in that event, but I just missed so many of them because I always noticed too late that the wigs had gone up =_= Well, if these wigs are good, then I'll keep an eye on their upcoming preorders. The soy wigs look so nice, especially in smaller heads. For SDs they might be too short for my particular needs.

On one hand I think the Asleep cut (shown on the Unoa here, upper photo) with the visible streaks might work better for Confi's style, but thenagain the colours might also work really well for Taffi. Thenagain the light purples of that lower wig might not be right for Cotton (who looks so nice in pure whites that I had all but forgotten about my grand plans for purple/pink/black pastel goth look) or any other doll, so Confi might be the only one to wear it. Or then I'll just sell it, if I can't find use for it. :P These wigs were pretty much "grab anything you can while you can".

photo by Dollhouseshop on Etsy

Now for clothes... The LittleMocha body is taller than regular YoSD and slimmer than even Teenies. So I'm facing the same problems than with Random :D I want to get something like the set in the picture, brighter pastels than my dolls usually wear and more casual in general. I could use a YoSD dress, because I won't mind (would actually prefer) longer legs showing under the hem, but I would need to get something very tightly tailored or stretchy (not baggy) so it won't look like a sack on her. And the shoulders might still be a problem, since they are the only part wider than Teenie body.

Or I just might have to try to sew something on my own again. I do hope these slim 31cm dolls become more popular though, so that there'll be more clothes made just for them! I really like the size and looks of them and if I weren't so commited in my Teenies, I would probably just get all new dolls in this taller size.

Anyway, let's see what this new Poppy doll will settle for once she even arrives :D If she ends up being a gloomy black-haired emo, it'll just prove I'm not so much in control of my dolls as I would like to believe I am ;)


  1. Congrats again!! Loving all the plans!! I would love to see what fits the 31cm body, I was thinking on getting a boy in that size so he would be taller than may and Ailene haha.

    1. I've been looking through DoA and I noticed that the SQLabs 31cm body can use Barbie clothes. Also Blythe clothes (tops at least) seem to work. I have to try them myself though before giving a verdict. I do hope to find some decent source of 31cm clothes, since I really love the size. Of course, if Miyadoll (or other companies with bodies in this size) release more clothes themselves, that would also be great! ^-^

  2. Congratulations on her, and I can't wait to see her! I'm really tempted with the DollBakery eyes, they're so beautiful. Hope all your plans for Surprise/Confetti work out. ^-^

    1. I really can recommend DB eyes! ^-^ At times I wish to buy some cheaper urethanes, but when I compare them side by side to Dollbakeries, it is clear which one is the winner (for me). DB eyes are so clear and vibrant! Of course this works for me, since I want bright eyes for my dolls, it would be different for those who want super realistic eyes or super bling crystal eyes.

  3. Congratulations on such a lucky win! Loving the wigs you chose, they are very pretty. :)

    1. Thank you! ^-^ I'm loving the blends Frappzilla makes too. There were other nice colours too, and I'm especially bummed I didn't get to snag that pink-blond wig they also had in the sale. They do much brighter colours as well, and it almost makes me wish I'd make a doll that is all neon coloured :D

  4. I'm happy for you for winning! ^3^ Milktea-color looks so pretty in pictures, a good choice! And a decora-themed doll, oooh! I love the idea! <3

    I'm also interested to see those Frappzilla wigs in person. I've been admiring them on Instagram, they surely look very unique and come with styles and colors that I love~

    What I've handled Random, I agree with you, that 31 cm slim body is really nice and I love the variety and look of poses it makes. Too bad there isn't that many options in the clothing department, though... Hopefully things will change and this kind of body type will become more popular. If getting ready made clothes for these dolls, I'd perhaps consider an A-line dress where the bigger size doesn't maybe look so jarring?

    1. Thank you! ^-^ You also have so many brightly coloured dolls with nice accessories, I'm happy to get one for myself too.

      Yeah the trick is to find some clothes that can fit around her torso properly. I'm getting dresses or skirts for Random (and Confetti) anyway, so fitting around the hips and thighs is not so much of an issue. But baggy dresses rarely look nice (and they try to slip down over her shoulders) except for certain styles like mori. Unfortunately, although I like the mori-look, neither of these dolls is planned to wear anything like that. But if it is the only thing to cover their nakedness, I might have to cave =_=


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