Non-Dull Princess

Non-Dull Princess 01

I realised that Cotton Candy hadn't gotten much attention so I wanted to snap some photos before she found herself all forgotten and possibly on the sell-list... I also wanted to try this dress on her. It is something I made years ago for Nuu (by default, since she was the only girl in this size back then), but which never really suited any of my dolls. Until Cotton put it on. This little princess has so much attitude on her own, it doesn't matter if the dress is plain amd dull grey. She somehow pulls it off...

Non-Dull Princess 02

I've got Syen pants under there, another rarely used item in my collection. But I like how they can be seen through the sheer fabric.

Non-Dull Princess 03

Taco is one of the underappreciated sculpts of Soom's horde of Teenies, imho. You don't see many out there, even less which are not painted to be garish dragons. But it is very photogenic and can hold multiple expressions.

That being said, I wasn't kidding when I said I need to look out for Cotton not ending up for sale. Currently I have no itch to do so, but if I get the urge to downsize, she's sadly one to go. I'm not loving her as much as the others and I think it might just be the blue resin... She just looks weird next to the others, to my eye (I totally get why others love wacky coloured dolls). I might concider switching her to a Dolomi, since maybe white resin would solve the issue. But that might open another can of worms, since then white resin would be clearly dominant among my Teenies. Poor Hippu and Hani are the only ones in normal resin... :(

You know I've been so obsessed with aquiring that tan Teenie that I've been completely dismissing the NS releases. I think I might actually keep a NS Hati on my wishlist, while focusing on a Bygg and/or Afi in tan. Yes, a normal skin Hati to be a minty pink casual lolita. And then the two tans, one to be styled in all whites, the other in all blacks :3 This would also leave me room for more white dolls, as the balance is still kept. Because at some point I want that body for Other-Nuu. And a certain Yrie...


  1. That dress really does look good on her... and I thought it was lilac and not grey. :33 It makes her look royal in a way. I think she might pull a punky-princess kind of outfit really well too. Or pastel goth! *3* Oh, definitely, she'd rock a pastel-goth oufit, especially with that face-up. (I love pastel-goths x33 )

    Ohh no, don't give up on Cotton! I think she brings just the right amount of "variety" in your Teenies...I don't think she looks off next to your other dolls at all. :)

  2. She's so cute, I hope you decide to keep her (or more like not to downsize at this point). She looks very nice with that dress, it seems very flowy, I imagine her dancing in the woods a foggy night with it ~

  3. Thank you! This mesh dress is very flowy and does give a more ethereal feel to Cotton :)

  4. Ooh pastel goth would definitely look good on Cotton! I'm not that familiar with the style though so I'm worried I'd fail at it. But I'm definitely going to try to find something of the sort for her :) Although first I want something tooth corrodingly sweet for her and I'v got my sights set on some Kuloft dresses.


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