Meme: Through the months of 2013

So, having taken a bunch of photos this year, I wanted to do a little collage of them. Here we have a photo from each month of the year. I wanted some variety in the dolls, so I might have been a bit biased when picking my favourites, but the ties were close anyways :D What I found out, is that most pictures of Alex tend to be my favourites XD And that I didn't take that many good photos in November, maybe started to wear out?

January belonged to Yuffie, who had just gotten a new face-up. My first face-up that I was really happy with. I started to use really vivid colours and slightly different type of cheek blushing, which I learned from studying Alex's face-up. And I started to over-abuse PS XD

February continued with photoshopping the hell out of my photos. I learned the trick to edge-blur the photos and to use bw gradient filter on screen. Also, Nuu is still cute as hell!

March got me the first really good photos of my most handsome hacker evah: Nigel. He is made for b&w photos, especially with the eyes still coloured. If I had any doubts of making the right choice of getting him as an SD, this photo erased them all. Nikki <3

April had tough copetition for the best photo, but this backlit photo taken at the crack of dawn ruled supreme. I'm so happy I finally got these wings, after years of wating. It also made Hippu 'complete'.

May brought the first greens and the first shirtless boys XD Actually my runner up was a photo of Alex, with a very low-cut shirt. But (Deary's) Renate just looks so damn good there.

June I wanted to redo an old photo of mine, showing just much I've improved over the years. And yes, I can say improvement ad been made :)

July I went to a local doll meet, taking Fyrd with me. That LM body of his bends just the right ways for these natural sitting poses. It's also why I like Alex so much, although Fyrd's LM girl body is even better. and this photo, I just like the flow of it. And for once Fyrd doesn't look too much like he's going to go for your throat...

August was mostly spent in Japan without my camera, but I did manage to take this photoshoot of Nuu. Those Ai hands are just... extremely versatile.

September I was practicing my backlit photos. And the use of natural light in general. I got a natural bokeh, beautiful light and two cute Teenies there, what could top this?

October is of Alex. Well, comoon, he is just perfect there!

November did not produce such nice photos, but I still love this subject, my impulse buy Milki. I was not supposed to get anything this November, but then I just bought her without thinking...

December I was still struggling with Phoenix when I funny coincidence resolved it for me. I was thinking of a photo for Enchanted Doll eyes photo competition and wanted to take the photo of Eiko (yeah, trying to up the ante with a nice Volks doll >_< ). Eiko had DFs, so she needed to borrow a pair of EDs from someone else. After pondering for a while, I decided to go for a brownish theme and put Fenny's eyes on her. And when I put Eiko's eyes on Fen, they fit perfectly. And I got a nice photo out of Eiko as well XD


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