Black Winged Angel
And then they arrived... The last missing piece Hippu needed. They are gorgeous!
I'm talking about the Camellia dynasty resin black seraphim wings. Holding poses is a slight struggle when the magnets must be worked through clothes (they won't work if I put on his vest) so I might need stronger magnets at some point, but they work. And the morning light shone so beautifully before I had to go to work...
So today I was supposed to bake a load of cookies (Darling, you're not doing your job of stopping me that well! ;) ), but since I noticed that we're out of butter, I took some more pictures of the wings.
I had a few photos of this portrait pose and finally I ended up with this one. There was one that was a bit more sly, but my LeBrant is not sly :(
He can flyyy!! Well, no :D
I'm actually in love with the first picture, light is amazing. :3 Hippu definately looks good on wings. Now he really looks like a baby-LeBrant for sure! xD The wings look thicker than I expected (which by all means isn't a bad thing), or then it's just the color. Are they one of those wings which feel so fragile that you barely feel comfy to touch them, or do they seem more solid? :3 It's hard to tell by the pictures! xD They are beautiful, none the less!
VastaaPoista(and seeing more dolls with wings makes me drool those Bambi Crony faity wings, even though I know I would only break them + I got noone to use them! xD )
The first picture is my favourite as well :) And it seems that it's also a Flickr favourite :3
VastaaPoistaThe wings feel pretty solid, actually. I wouldn't trash them around but I'm not afraid of snapping them with basic handling.