Backlog Spam

So over the last couple of months I've been  a bit backlogged about updating the blog. I've managed to post some of them on Insta, but here are some bigger photos.

I took Confetti with me to a coffee with friends
At end of May, just before Deary went on her trip to Korea, us girls went to Piece of Cake, an MBakery coffee house at a local mall. Spica bought some smoking ice cream which looked super cool, but I was a bit too late to take a photo of it :P

I love the look of the place. And Deary's cake looked delicious!
A few days before that I tried to take a group photo of my Cupcakes, but that was a bust and Cotton stole the scene :D

More from May: Since I decided to sell Lumina, I tried her wig on Hani. I'm still iffy if she pulls off the long hair, but I'll keep it on for now.

She's cute as a button though ^-^
Now in June I was pretty much playing on my own, and with my son. One good thing about a kid is a legit reason to play with Lego products. While he's small we're limited to Duplos, but just wait a few years... Mindstroms, here we come! :D

Rigel is a bit too large for the slide though...


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