Rigel Really Up Close

Rigel in macro

I finally got my lens+body caps for my Sony so I can now try out my extension rings. (Rageing about the problems I had with the setup on my camera blog...) Now I can take really close close-ups of my Teenies ^-^

Rigel in macro

These photos have not been cropped at all, in fact I did no post-processing what-so-ever. So now you can see how grainy Rigel's heart is XD Maybe it is just decaying/crumbling in a cool way? :P

Rigel in macro

These were just quick test shots, now I'm buzzing with trying to think of good subjects for macro photos!


  1. This is fantastic!!! The photos are very nice and I can see your work so close!!! *_*
    I like his little heart, I always thought it was painted with acrylics :o

    1. Nah, I don't really use any acrylics in my face-ups XD A lot of people think so though... But no, all the lashes, hairs and these markings are done with watercolour pencils. Rigel's is a bit shoddy, but it only shows in these close-ups. For example Spica's Teenie-Ren who has those large markings on his cheeks, those I went over carefully, so that they look quite cripy even when looking right closely. :)

      BTW, for these photos I used 16mm extension tube. The packet came with 16mm and 10mm, but the 10mm seems to be a miscast, since it is very hard to snap onto my camera (I fear it might break my camera if I try to force it). Otherwise I could even stack the two together to make a 26mm extension :)

    2. Oh I see!!! I feel scammed!! (nah jk XD).I can't make nice lines with pencils, I envy you :O!! ~_~

      Extension tubes are great for macros. I have one attached to an old kit lens from an analog camera, but it only focus so close, I don't find much use of it with dolls. I took this shot with it though:


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