Bad Pictures, But
No, they are not mustaches! :D A while ago I bought some Fimo inspired by the BJD horns that Sarqq had been making. I'm still not sure what exactly it is that I want to sculpt from it, but the best result I got from my trial run seems to be these devil horns for Cottoncandy.
Here they are shown in scale of the doll. I still need some magnets and then I need to figure out how to best install them into the horns without breaking them :D But yeah, since Rigel has his majestic horns, Cotton needed some of her own, but in the more sparkly, ladylike style.
Next I'm thinking that I might try to do antlers for Lumina, although I'm dreading it already... It was hard enough to get these to be somewhat symmetrical. Spiky antlers are going to be even harder to make.
In addition to the white sparkly Fimo, I also bought some mint coloured paste. I just love the mint colour, although it doesn't really suit any of my dolls :D I first thought that I could do minty horns for Cotton, but they just looked off...
So I made these roses that I could maybe at least use for some accessories or something.They turned out quite nice with the time I spent on them. I'll definitely try to do more of these, in more detail and thought put into them.
And just for fun, I'll show my first attempt a the horns, in mint. I did these one at a time, which was a huuuuge mistake, since it was impossible to make the other one symmetrical. With the white horns I first rolled out two identically long pieces and then bent them simultaneously to make them look more similar. Also, these caught some black particles (I think from my trousers) stuck to their surface. I'll need to make my workspace extra clean next time.
Näytin tän postauksen Sargille, tosi kiva juttu että sait inspiraatiota fimoiluun noista hänen tekemistä sarvista! Tosi nätille näyttää nuo tekemäsi sarvet, toivottavasti innostut tekemään enemmänkin ♥ Ruusut ovat ihania myöskin~ Tuo on muuten totta, että kaikenlainen nukka sun muu pöly ja roska tuntuu helposti tarttuvan fimoon/cernittiin ennen kuin se on paistettu uunissa, saa aina olla ekstravarovainen etenkin vaaleiden värien kanssa >3<
VastaaPoistaKyllä varmasti koetan tehdä näitä lisääkin, Fimoa jäi yllinkyllin vielä näiden jälkeen. :) Vielä pitäis masteroida sellainen marmorointi, minkä Sarkku niin hyvin taitaa. Ainakaan valko-mintusta en sitä oikein saanut aikaan XD
PoistaTässäpä pitäis melkein ruveta keräilemään kaikenlaista pantapohjaa sun muutakin, kun näitä tehdessä alkoi inspata kaikenlaisen pikkukrääsän väsääminen.
They sell sparkly fimo or you added the glitter? it looks nice :o!! I think you did a great work with the white horns, they look super cute on! The blue ones are pretty too though not simmetrical, next time will be better :D
VastaaPoistaThey sell sparkly fimo ^-^ At least in white at my local hobby store.
PoistaI'm actually thinking if I might break the uglier of the mint horns and then decorate it so that the horns are mismatched "on purpose". Like if the other one had broken in battle or something? I'll also try if some sanding would clean out the black specs. They'll be a work-in-progress for some while! XD But I'd really like to make something of use out of them, simce the prettier one (the right one in the picture) is really nice in shape, especially on the doll's head.
The horns look awesome! ^^ I'm tempted to try sculpting something for dolls too, but I think I'd like to make some animal ears... Now to find time for sculpting them. My previous sculpting projects have stood idle since summer, sigh.
VastaaPoistaMaking animal ears would also be amazing ^-^ But I think they might be better done phase by phase, with curing and sanding and then adding more paste and repeating. I'd love to see what you have done though! And it always gives a little boost when one has to show some work to other people. At least for me the show-and-tell is the best kick in the back not to leave things half way.