The Pawn

The Pawn 06

Ha! A full photoshoot done! With a theme background and everything :P Ok, I'm batting myself on the back a bit too much for this, but it's been really long since the last real update to the blog. I've also had this idea for the shoot in my head for a long time (well, ever since ordering the Skoll :D ) so I was psyched to be finally able to do it!

The Pawn 01

The Pawn 02

The Pawn 03

The Pawn 04

The Pawn 05

The Pawn 07


Despite the restrains on his wardrobe, Rigel is really becoming one of my very favourite dolls out of my crew. I just love his sculpt, the smirk, the theme and that I was able to excecute it pretty much how I first scetched it out.

We'll see soon how I'll be able to excecute my next theme-style doll. It'll be a much harder task, but hopefully the results will be amazing as well. But until it's finished, hush hush!


  1. Kiva että sait toteutettua kaavailemasi shootin :3 Rigelin stailaus on kyllä tosi upea, ihana myöskin toi pikkuinen shakkinappula XD

  2. Toi nappula on niin pikkuinen! Ja nuo siipikorvat olivat vieläpä erilliset, eli piti liimata paikalleen. Koko ajan on vähän pelko että mihin tää vielä hukkuu tai hajooko noi siivet :D Joten tästä pitää ottaa kaikki ilo irti vielä kun pystyy.

  3. No, mutta hei - ihanat kuvat! Olen samaa mieltä Safirin kanssa, jännä shakkinappula! Hauskaa kesänjatkoa! :)

  4. Ihania hellepäiviä sinnekin! :3


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