Spring is Here, Dammit!

The curses are meant for the current weather, which hasn't been very springlike after that one warm day a week back. It was bloody snowing just the other day! But I am making up for it by dressing Cotton Candy in her new Spring Outfit from LenivkaShop.

Although it looks very good on Cotton, I can't help but think how Velvet mentioned she'd rock a pastel goth outfit... So I want to hunt down an outfit like that for her. But I can use that pink skirt as a mix'n'match for Nuu/Hani/Milki and I have a certain new Teenie concept in mind who would look very very nice in that blue overskirt and especially that headdress.

I am going to end up with so many Teenies... >_<

In the end Cotton Candy prefers her own headband to simple bling bling.
It occurs to me that my Teenies tend to get that one item they cannot be without... For Cotton it is the skull headband. For Hippu it's the tophats, Nuu and Hani have their bell necklaces, Milki her rose chocker (she looked so off with that Amors outfit that had a collar the rose wasn't compatible with) and Rigel has his horns (or tophat).
Do any of your dolls have that one special item you can't see them without?
Gorgeous pics, and that dress is stunning, thanks for linking the shop, I'll check it out after I'm done here :D!
VastaaPoistaI think headbands and hats are really nice, specially on tinies. I have some headbands and hats for Ailene, my favorite is the Minnie mouse headband (I got a SD sized one too so She can match with Hana, or Lucas XD lol I wanna see Lucas rock it).
The dresses are very cute and well made, I can definitely recommend them. There were still a few I wanted to order, but in the end realised that I have so many things ordered in a short period of time that maybe I need to hold back a bit... ;)
VastaaPoistaA mouse headband sounds cute, and I'd definitely want to see one on Lucas! :D I also got a mouse eared headdress along with an outfit set, but I never got around to use it, since the only "mousey" Teenie is Hani who already has too much going on on her head XD
Ohh cute photos... but I still feel like Cotton is playing dress-up here. She's a rocking pastel goth in my mind already! (And sorry about having head-canons of your dolls x3 It can't be helped).
VastaaPoistaI'd love to see you end up with lots and lots of Teenies! ^3^ *giving the thumbs-up for that new Teenie project*
About your question... hmmm... I don't think my doll have such accessories... I always like to give Xavier a scarf or something to wrap around his neck because he looks better that way, but other than that, no. But it's cool that your dolls have those characteristic items! Makes them more special and unique that way. :)
It is a defining attribute, definitely. Not saying there can't be another Seet with tophats or anything likd that though :D Apart from Cotton's headband all of the items are bought from shops after all (and Hani's collar is such an easy thing for anyone to make), and Nuu and Rigel are wearing items that have come with them in the default sets, so it wouldn't be extraordinary to see them on other Teenies of the same sculpt. Still I feel that a tophat makes my Sweet my Hippu.
VastaaPoistaAnd don't worry about head-canoning :) If the suggestion is good like this one was, I'll even act on it. And if I feel something wouldn't fit my character, I'll just not do it :D As long as you're not forcing something on my dolls (which I can't see you doing) it's fine. And hey, maybe I'd even do an AU shoot if thr concept is great even if it doesn't fit the doll's actual character.