Two Divas

Expect a lot more Teenie spam coming up since these are not the only photos I took of these two :3 Or if you don't like these two, then expect a bit of a dry spell of good blog posts XD
Anyway, we had a minimeet last weekend and I took these two along with me. These are not photos from the meet though, since I hate dragging both dolls and my camera anywhere at the same time. But we had enough fun at the meet, I didn't miss taking photos :3

Actually, Milki doesn't look as much 'diva' anymore... Maybe it is because of the new alpaca wig bringing softness to her, or maybe the wig shows her eyebrows better and affects her expression that way? Or maybe Cotton's just too much of a diva next to her, outpowering her attitude XD

Btw, I was just thinking that my dolls have sort of gradually shifted towards more evil characters... Hippu is sweetness personified, Nuu is cute and gentle (but has that snappish alter-ego) and then the newest are the headstrong Milki (not really evil, but not actually nice either), the selfish Cotton and then for the incoming Rigel I've been planning either a grumpy or at tops mischievous face-up. Rigel's probably going to be a muted-down killer-clown with that harlequin face-up of his...
And there's the same trend with the big ones too! Eiko is sweet, then Yuffie is mischievous and then the boys are varying degrees of grumpy until Fyrd is pure evil. Although I have to say that the boys are nicer than Yuf so the line isn't that linear with them...
Maybe I just first fell for the gentle sweet looking bjds and then my characters started to go wacky in my head or something XD
Lol I don't think they became wacky in your head! It does happen, dolls almost never end up being what it was planned at first. Grumpy or evil or sweet, your dolls are all amazing, I'm so glad I get to see them in your blog so often :)
VastaaPoistaWell they are mostly staying as planned characterwise (styles might evolve, but the personality is mostly intact), I'm just getting grumpier characters with every new doll XD
VastaaPoistaI'm glad you like the spamming. I try to mostly keep this as a doll blog, so even the more irl-posts have dolls as ilustrations.