Umpteenth Time

Even with indirect flash, these eyes are too dark for Nikki :( So I've just put in an order for yet another pair, this time a custom ice blue colour from Dollbakery. If these don't work out, I'm giving up! Well no, who am I kidding... If they don't work out, I'll just probably start doing custom orders to ED until I get it right =_=
But just to reveal to myself just how many pairs of blue eyes have gone through here (or are still here), here's a little review of nigel with all his eyes:

First I got ED #21s, which are - as you can clearly see - medium blue. But they looked really much lighter in ED's photos, and not to mention the lightest true-blue (and not minty) colour they still offer. Still, a clear miss. Oh, and I'm also lolling at how terrible my first Nikki looked like XD His (cheap as hell) all-over-the-place fur wig looks just like the fur wigs that are the root of the "all fur wigs look aweful" -confessions. A cute hacker he was not.

Then I tried on these Soom skyeblues on him. Oh, and changed the sculpt, the clothes, wig, face-up... But anyways, these eyes really have the colour that I'm looking for! Too bad I hate silicone as eye material, since they collect dust and get cloudy really easy.
I know I also had some light blue Dollzone glass eyes for him, but I don't seem to have any photos of them... Anyway, they had a slight green tint to them, and weren't so strickingly blue as I needed.

Then came Leeke glass eyes, which are pretty much the right colour. But the problem was that they are too high dome, so I can't move them around that much. And the 14mm pair (I also have them in 12mm XD ) that fits slightly better, have these green rings in them that make me gringe.

Still, they did make him look like the Nigel I wanted :3

But I wanted urethanes, fyrddammit! So I got these N07 eyes from Vings. But this is the lightest they can look... So no. They make him look way too soft :(
I'm really keeping my fingers crossed for these Dollbakery eyes I now got! I know she's made a perfect pair as a custom order before, but it has been some time, so I hope she can pull it off again...
Haha, that's an impressive collection of eyes for one doll. :D
VastaaPoistaIt's fun to see how Nikki has evolved as time has passed, and how the eyes alone affect his expression. I like the soft-looking Nikki with those Vings eyes, even if he looks a bit out of character. x3
And I didn't even remember that Nikki was a Soom Pyrol at one point!
Although I always call Yuffie the eye-hoarder, I think Nigel might just beat her with his six pairs + one incoming... I might have to do a similar set for that girl though.
VastaaPoistaAnd yeah Nikki started out as a Pyrol. But I only had that doll for a month or two until they released the NS Bygg. And I do love those Vings eyes. Just not in Nigel.. True, he looks amazingly cute with them, but he just isn't the real thing. :(