Nendobots: Helper Nendo

140706 Helper Nendo 01

I'm a bit late wth this, but we spent the last week in Barcelona and our trip got a bit prolonged due to some unfortunate circumstances. But we're finally home now and all's good! My only regret is that I actually missed the Barcelona Dolls&Party, which was srt of the reason we went there in the first place... But there was no way around it, so I'm not going to dwell on it. There'll be other doll conventions, and they are really just hitting off in Europe.

But here, have a new piece of the Nendo comic (that I actually shot ages ago).

140706 Helper Nendo 02

140706 Helper Nendo 03

140706 Helper Nendo 04


  1. Welcome back! Glad to see a new episode to Nendo-Bots and Bee totally rocks that look! X'D She looks like a gloomy gothic lolita who wanted to explore her pink side. ;) Who could resist that... although I doubt Master will provide uguu-face. (Although I'm with Rin, I'd love to see that uguu-face!)

    Sad to hear about the trip going less-than-smoothly. Nothing serious, I hope. And hopefully you had fun times during the first part of the trip.

  2. It's good to be back! It's maybe warmer here now that it was in Barcelona. Of course it is, since my vacation is over :P And everythings OK now.


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