Nendobots: Ninja'd Nendo

140525 Ninja'd Nendo 01

Another Sunday, another Nendobot comic, yey!

140525 Ninja'd Nendo 02

(That Rin's line in the lower right corner is my favourite in a while XD)

140525 Ninja'd Nendo 03

Points to those, who can interpret every one of the 'moves' BRS has done while ninjaing :P I'm not that good at doodleing, so the result is not as good as it could have been...

140525 Ninja'd Nendo 04

Aaaand we'll see you in the next episode!


  1. Aww, those doodles look cute. :3 Especially the one where she got electrocuted. x3

    I must say Rin has quickly become my favorite character of this bunch! There's just something about her happy attitude that sets the hilarious mood in these comics!
    I'm getting a bit worried how this story will end for Nyaruko and Rin but I trust there will be a happy end. :3

  2. Well don't worry about it yet, there is no end in sight for months still X3

    And Rin is my favourite as well. I just love all the randomness I can her say. She seems like a simpleton and just happy-go-lucky, but when you really think about it, her 'brain' works at an incredible speed, taking her from one subject to the next in the blink of an eye. And she's just so filled with this positive energy. It makes me smile everytime I can do a panel with her XD-face, saying something utterly fun.

    Nyaru is fun too in her own way, with her master-complex, quick temper and feeling of superiority, but you can mostly just laugh at her, not with her. And BRS.. oh, she's really sweet, covered in duty and a serious face. But not so much comical material. And I get something of a maternal instinct kicking on with her. She does bring a good amount of drama though, which is fine in itself as well.


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