Aesthetics of April

140418 Lyndon

I had two heads to paint this month. Above is my most fantasy-face-up I've done so far. The character is an ice dragon and I was asked to do a bit frowny expression with scales on one temple. Since the owner told that the character has many expressions and he's a dragon, I wanted to do something a bit different with the brows. I also first did just a natural face-up on the head and when the owner greenlighted paiting in the scales, we also decided to add some light blues on the lids. This one turned out great! Also, this sculpt was easy to blush, with all the round surfaces.

LM Demetri 140419

Then I did a natural face-up on one of my own heads. It was time to redo Fyrd's face-up, which you have already seen with the full doll. The face-up is vivid, but it still is non-fantasy :D But I should really write-up in my face-up comission threads that if one asks for a natural face-up, this is pretty much what you'll get now.

I also sanded down the bridge of his nose some more. He now has a much more pleasing profile to my eye.


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