
Not a post about Nendos or anything to do with BRS. I just needed a picture and I had no particular post for this snapshot of BRS using yet another spare faceplate.
A few nights ago, Other-Me was floting down the river. She was trying to hold up a young child afloat, but the current was strong. She knew that the pursuers weren't far behind her. She needed to get out of the water, and quickly please.
Then I spotted a rescuer. Or he spotted me, more likely. He was squatting at a lookout post of some kind, looked more like a tent though. And he promised to save the girl, to protect her or maybe just give me the means to protect her. But he needed a price. My life.
He looked like a young man, maybe 25ish. His hair was fluffy and light caramel blond (thinking of Crobi Tei's default look here, but the Dyuke a few posts back is also a good reference). I could not fully make out his features in the darkness of the night, but he was smiling. It was a smile that was not particularly gentle or kind, but was meant to be disarming. I knew what he was: a vampire. And I agreed to the pact.
While the girl was still somehow stuggling with the current, trying to forbid me from doing this, I was lying down on the tent floor, with that blond man still smiling viciously at me. Another vampire was also there, a woman who looked to be about 35ish. She was conducting the ceremony, which for the most parts was totally lost to me, since I was focusing on what was going to happen to me. I could smell the incences burning though. The woman asked if I was sure of my choice. I told them to just get it over with, which seemed to amuse the man to no end. He bowed down to me, and whispered something I can't really remember anymore. And sunk his teeth onto my neck.
I've bled before in my dreams, and it is always a strange sensation. There isn't any actual pain, just a sense of liquid flowing. I didn't actually even feel like I was dying. I felt him gulping my blood and I was feeling weaker, but when he was done, I still had plenty of energy to demand that they hold onto their end of the bargain. That made the man laugh. But they did save the girl. It was the last I saw of her. But now I had other troubles of my own.
Having drunk blood from the man, I was now a newborn vampire myself. I had asked the man what sort of abilities I'd have after the transformation, but very Lestatishly he just replied that the abilities varied between vampires. He could fly himself. I hoped that would be the case for me too.
Unlike most vampire legends tell, we could walk in the sun. I could even eat regular food, albeit only a little and the plate of french fries I did have almost made me puke. And how did I know this? Because for some reason, we went right from the intense chase scene into a bistro at the center of my home city. I have no idea how I got there, but sitting at the next table was a young blond vampire woman from whome I was trying my best to pick up tips on how to be a proper vampire and not be found out to be one.
I really hope that this dream could continue, since vampires have always been one of my interests. Starting from Rydiger, going onto Lestat and beyond. Actually, now that Rydiger ahs been brought up, the mystery-vampire-man actually could be Rydiger in his twenties or something :D Aww, now I have an itch to reread those books again...
I have no vampire dolls and actually have never even wanted one. It would be quite hard to do something original with the concept. I love vampires with an old-age feel (Lestat with the velvet coat <3), but I don't like the idea of owning a doll with that look, since the down-sclaed clothing just rarely looks as good... So I'd have to go with a modern vamp, without dressing it in all gothic blacks like most of the vampire dolls out there. See my dilemma? Well, the man in my dream would make a nice doll, with the natural casual clothes and the carefree hair. I just have no idea of what he actually looks like. Right now I picture him with a face mashed together from Fyrd and LeBrant, but that would just be another Demetri...
Thenagain, I haven't needed a vampire doll to like vampires :D I'll just hope that one night Other-Me meets the mystery vampire again.
No way! I want cool dreams like that! :D Vampires everywhere! Maybe it had something to do with a short dream I had couple of days ago (actually on Wednesday!). Just before I woke up I heard a deep male voice say "Bless everyone, but those WHO ARE THIRSTY FOR BLOOOOD!!" and then you see vampire dreams, what a coincidence :D
VastaaPoista.. That's just downright creepy :P But I think I hactually had this dream on the night between Sunday and Monday. It just took me a while to type it out coherently.
VastaaPoistaNot all my dreams are this cool though. I just don't really make posts about the ones like last night, where I found myself naked (lost my clothes after taking a bath or something, not the typical 'oops I stand before the audience and suddenly have no clothes') and trying to cover myself with some semi-transparent plastic sheets in the middle of some wonky 60's party. And then James McAvoy with his wife come around to talk to me and Valentine and it appears that he happens to be Valentine's godfather or something and they plan how we'll visit them next summer at their Astenian-like summer cottage... O_O Vampire dreams are just way cooler :D
The Vampire Lestat is one of my favorite books. Probably because the teenage me shared some of the thoughts and the Lestat had. ;)
VastaaPoistaI've had a lot of dreams where I'm a vampire and it's always cool! At a point in my life I really did expect a vampire to turn up and make me into one as well, hoho. (yeah, when I was a teenager. And I've always wanted to be a werewolf too. ;3 )
When I was around 27-ish and I had a a sort of tough spot in my life, but I just managed to go through it. After that I saw a dream where a vampire showed up behind the window of my room. I went to open the window and ask what he wanted. Well, as "these things usually go", he told me that "You've been calling out to me for many years and now I've come. So, you have to make your choice now. Become a vampire and renounce everything you've been until now and begin a new undead life. Or choose the life of a mortal human being. You can only decide once and there will be no other opportunity after this."
It was tempting, but I think I had a new self-esteem about managing to go through that tough time and so I said no. I didn't need to become a vampire, because I knew I could make it without those powers.
The vampire was clearly irritated because of my desicion, like I had called him there for nothing. :'D Well, it was his own fault, if he had come just a little bit earlier, I probably would have said yes. ;)
I think that dream was a signal of my "teenage-self" moving forward to my "adult-self" or my un-sure younger years having passed. I had found the power to survive by myself so I didn't need to fantasize about being a vampire or something like that. Well, when I woke up from that dream, I had an odd feeling. I was a bit sad that I didn't say yes, because it would have been interesting too, in its way. But I was really proud of myself too, for not having given in to temptation. :)
Now that dream is TOTALLY COOL! I always write about my dreams from the point of view of Other-Me because they really seem to be happening to someone else, like I'm an invader in their body atm. But to have a dream that really speaks to you, at that time and place of your life, that's really rare. Also, I so rarely remember anything anyone has actually said in my dreams. It's always more like a flush of emotions, or telepathy that I just somehow interpret.
VastaaPoistaDo you remember what your vampire looked like?
I've read Lestat once. I've bought it since and tried a few times to reread it, but I just can't... Somehow it doesn't captivate me anymore. But I just love, love, love the movie Interview with the vampire. And Moonlight sonata :3
Heh, thanks. I don't think it was that cool though. Maybe I was a wimp for not taking him up on the offer. :) Maybe I'll always regret that I didn't. Or at least at some points. But yeah, what's done is done.
VastaaPoistaI think the vampire in my dream looked kind of how the "archetypal" vampire. His face was partly hidden by the curtains on the window (this is what I remember very clearly about the dream - the curtains flowing, like I could see him through a veil of gray fabric), but he was very pale and had longish hair and clothes of probably leather, a mix of styles. Like some of it was modern and some was from another age. I remember very "hard" facial features. He didn't have a "seducing" or a "tempting" look at all, not in any point of the dream. It was like he was devoid of emotion (any other emotion than the frustration that I had bothered him there), just acting out of pure predator instinct. Meeting him was not like meeting a person. And I think he might not have had any "human" features at all, but those were constructed for the purpose of me to be able to comprehend who or what I was dealing with in the dream.
It was a really life-like dream. It was one of the dreams that I'll probably remember for the rest of my life.
I actually have had dreams where I am "myself" more often than not. Maybe I have some abilities that I don't have in real life (like; "making an evil villain-laugh" that I've always wanted to be able to do but_just_can't. X'D ) But, it might be because when I write stories, dialoque seems to be my "strong point", that I usually remember things that have been said to me in my dreams quite vividly. Not always, though, but if the dream is really striking or seems to have deeper meaning, then I usually do remember the dialoque or at least the parts that matter.
I also have certain "places" that re-appear in my dreams from time to time. They are always the same, or at least I always know where I am when dreaming of a place like that. Like "Oh, I know, it's this place, I've been here before."
I've never tried lucid dreaming - or purposefully tried it - but sometimes I know when I'm dreaming and I can change the course of the dream.
It's interesting to talk and think about dreams though, so I've enjoyed the adventures of your Other Self very much. :)
I have a few reaccuring places in my dreams as well. I find myself very often on the bus stop and/or on the bus that took me to high school. And very usually, I'm missing the bus, or not getting to the bus stop that is right there or some other nuisance.
VastaaPoistaBut another place is this mall, that I don't think I've ever been to irl, but which is always pretty much the same in my dreams. It feels like it is in my home town (the dream conveys an idea that it is somehow in this town, or some other town that is always the same), but there isn't one like it here. I hate those dreams. They are usually very all over the place, stressing and sinister :(
But I'm glad my other dreams are fun to read about XD
Oh and about The Vampire Lestat. I used to read it from time to time, I've read it countless of times. But it's been a while that I haven't now... Maybe I'll have to try and re-read it now. I think I've changed since the last time. Like, I'm probably not as scared of death as I used to be. (maybe that's why I liked Lestat so much, because Lestat too had horrible existential pain but was also very, very afraid of dying. Just like I was when I was younger. ;) )
VastaaPoistaA part of me is a bit vary of reading Lestat again now. Maybe it doesn't "speak" to me like it used to, anymore. Maybe I've grown up from that part of my life. Wow, what is this, I'm feeling like talking about deep stuff all of a sudden, haha. xD