
Yeah, my loli-skirt backdrops continue :) But what else is new, is that I've taken a close-up of my Teenies which is not blurry! All it took was me to switch to my kit lense... :P When I got my DSLR, I got my 50mm lense pretty quickly, and mainly used that for everything. I did know that it wasn't good at taking photos at a closer distance (dah, hence the 50mm...) but even with SDs it was a hit-n-miss to get clear close-ups. Well, it's not my skills, it was the bloody lense. You can't buy quality for cheap, and that 50mm lense is cheap as lenses go. My bloody kit lense can do clearer pictures.

Well, I've read that Canon's 35mm lense is much better quality, but the price is a bit... high for me. Sure, it would be a good investment, but I don't know if I'm into investing that much into photography in general...

It's a dilemma, since although the kit lense has clarity, it doesn't have the shallow depth of field that I love to use so much. And the 50mm has the 1.8 aperture, but doesn't have the clarity. An extension ring might be a solution, since while it allows to get closer, it also shallows the depth of field, which might make my kit lense into just what I need. Well, since I was going to get that anyway, I won't lose anything to try it one the kit lense as well as the 50mm. Now  I just want it sooner rather than later :D


  1. I'm sure that amount of cute in Nuu's face is punishable crime somewhere. :D Just letting you know, I'm enjoying these pics from you tinies! x3 I'm always total sucker for those Nuu's brown eyes.

  2. :P North-Korea, probably.

    I'm glad people have been liking this flood of Teenies. It's usually only my big dolls (Eiko I'm looking at you!) that get the love. But I love my Teenies as well *_*

  3. Nuu really is staring straight into your sooouuuul with those eyes of hers. :3 I love the idea of lolita-prints and cute little dollies combined.

    I'm wondering if there's something wrong with my eyes, my screen or what's the matter because I can't see any blurryness in your older photos either. Maybe these are a bit more "crisp" in color but...
    I'm just really baffled about how clear or in focus photos should be to be considered "of good quality" I so often see in the comments for some doll photos. ~.~

  4. Even I can't see the difference in this size, but it is obvious with the originals and larger sizes. With these photos, I didn't need unsharp mask at all, which is usually a must with my 50mm. It shows up on the lashes, they have usually been just a bit blurry, but now they are very crisp.

    But true, on website images it doesn't really matter that much. I think that the focus on focus (:D) comes from thinking of large scale prints. And that the right details should be very clear when viewing the photo on original size.

    Mostly it just matters to me :3 Because I'm the one who knows just how much, or in these cases how little post-producing the photos take.


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