Cupcake Sisters
Double-Bygg strikes again! I still love these amber eyes for Milki, but I'm starting to think that it's just the urethanes talking... The Dollflowers are so bright and intricate, they look awesome no matter what. And when compared with EDs... the DFs win fair and square. They have this very delicate iris pattern, that makes regular EDs with their white iris lines look cheap. I'll try Makos next, but I really would want to get my hands on some Mystics or Gumdrops. But pink Makos, they come next. As soon as I get all of my X-mas presents bought and see how much I got left of my paycheck.
But until I get those eyes in, I've got to try something else to renew my dolls for the season. I already got some of them in some new accessories and can't wait until next weekend to take photos :3 And since it's independence day coming up, I'll actually have a long weekend to take photos.
I already got Fyrd in winter-fluffies, Yuffie all coloured up and Eiko wrapped in cuteness. Eiko you'll see soon! I still haven't got around pinking up the Teenies, but I'll have a couple of days left to do so. Now to just decide what each of them would wear.
From the top of my head, I've got:
- Glot outfit
- Ai outfit
- Syen outfit
- DZ flowery outfit
- ... and some pink things I've made myself
Clearly I need more Soom outfits :D Like the Iv outfit (and that wig! I'm still a bit sad I let that get away...). But I think they'll do. Any opinion on which doll you want to see in which?
How about Hani in Ai outfit and Milki in Glot's? :D And something pink for Nigel! xD (just had to say, I think he wouldn't approve though).
VastaaPoistaYes, I'd also like to see Milki in Glot's outfit! x3 I'd really like to see her in some pink clothes~
VastaaPoista...and what about Nuu in a Syen outfit? A bit of a "darker" theme for her?
I bought my first urethane eyes from the doll meet last weekend. They are really pretty, but I'll have to get used to the "stare". :''D They have a really penetrating gaze IRL, I feel like I always have someone staring at my back, haha!
Double Bygg is always good. <3
Yeah I think Milki would rock Glot outfit, and especially since Spica below also gave it a vote, we'll go with that. And Hani could look good in Ai outfit, I'll give it a go.
VastaaPoistaAnd sorry, but pinking only applies to the littlies. I don't have anything cute in SG size, otherwise I'd fulfil your wish of a Nigel in pink :)
I was thinking of saving the Syen for Hippu, since it is the most boyish of the outfits, but it might be too safe... So yeah, Nuu in Syen sounds fun :D We'll just see if I have the nerve of putting Hippu in a skirt...
VastaaPoistaAnd I've forgotten about my DH Melinda outfit... I'll see if I can use parts of it.
Urethanes are great! Which brand did you get?
I third Milki in Glot outfit, she would totally rock it! :3
VastaaPoistaHippu in Ai outfit sounds adorable. xD Though he might need pants with it… Or I dunno, he might rock the skirt too!
Yeah the Ai 'skirt' definitely needs pants imo. It only stays modest if the doll is standing... But it ended up with Hani in the end, as per Dark's suggestion. With some pumpkin pants underneath. I really would love to get the Afi set in a decent price, it would look nice mix'n'matched with the Ai set.
VastaaPoistaHippu actually ended up with some DH outfit parts along with Soom pants. He looks so cute with beige+pink accents! I have to get you guys a photo asap! They are all very cute, but this time Hippu definitely steals the show. I might need to rethink some of their wigs though, Hani definitely will go back to her blond/pink to go with the soft look.