Hit the Road
Week2 of the BJD photo challenge. This time I took Alex out, since the title for the week (Hit the Road) immediately brought the song "Hit the Road, Jack" to mind. Hence music item -> guitar -> maybe Lex going for a road trip with his band?
:D That song also brings to mind ice hockey of all things. It's a big sport in Finland and the season is about to start. That means that I'll be seeing Valentine less, him being a sports fan(atic). I might go to watch a few games myself and then I'll quite probably hear this song. "Hit the Road, Jack" is the song that is always played at our local arena when the visiting team gets a penalty. The cheerleaders always to this funny dance to the music and I love it!
I like how the photo turned out in the end. Alex stood like a rock, a real trooper! I'm always a bit worried when taking standing photos of my big dolls, especially without a spotter, but Alex and Fyrd are the most stable ones. LM engineering, I tell you! It's good (when it comes to legs). It was a damn sunny day, but I found a nice spot with a shadow and some light coming through the leaves above. too bad I couldn't find a narrower road to make it seem more in scale, but it has to do.
Never been to a road trip myself, now that I think about it. My trips are always well thought-out before. I just don't go with the wind and shit.
I'm also no musician myself. I've always dreamed of learning to play the piano, or just plain learn how to read notes. But I know I'll never get around to do that.
Alex is so handsome, I love Little Monica dolls!
VastaaPoistaThis photochallenge seems like a lot of fun, it seems to be OK to join even though it's already started a while ago? :3
Roadtrips are great, I like the element of surprise... although I must admit that a well-before-planned trip does have its good points too.
Yes! Please join the challenge, it doesn't matter if you've missed the first weeks. Myself I intend to do those weeks I missed after the full year had passed :D
VastaaPoistaxD I've been singing "hit the road, Jack" since I saw the challenge! xD It's real catchy.
VastaaPoistaAlex looks damn cool. :D You found a wonder full place for the shot!
Ha! Glad I'm not the only one. And thank you! It appears that my neighbourghood has some good photography places nearby. I'd just have to go out more...