Welcome to the crew, Phoenix Coeur!

Phoenix, proper 1

It is amazing how mch difference just repsotioning the eyes and adding lashes does to a doll... Now he looks ok and I can wait until our balcony renovation is over until redoing his face-up. It still needs more depth to the colours. But I can now accept the blond wig on him and he even has most of his 'own' clothes and already he doesn't feel so meh than in Japan.

I tried plenty of clothes and wigs on him though. Eiko's chocolate wig was just too dark, didn't look good at all on him. Then Yuffie's butterblond wig was a bit too colourful, he could pull it off, but didn't look perfect. Fyrd's punky red wig has a good style for him, but I couldn't deal with two redheads in the house... So blond it is then!

Phoenix, proper 2

He does need colourful backdrops and specks of colour in the clothes though. The yellow hoodie for sure is first going to Fenny.

I still haven't decided on his backstory, whether he'd be Yuffie's cousin or Alex's distant relative who has a crush on Yuf. He does look good next to the girls though, since the aesthetics are so similar. I know some people want to have their dolls from different companies to have variety, but complimenting aesthetics is the way to go for me! Like you couldn't tell from my three little Soomlings from the same sculptor, the LM boys and now three Volks girls :D

More of Phoenix to come in the future!


  1. That smile... <3 But I have always been sucker for smiles! xD He has pretty eyes too. :3 Are they his own or temporary? *can't remember*

    I bet he looks smashing next to girls! :3

  2. Those are the acrylics from Volks. His own EDs are still on their way. These look ok after enhancement in Photoshop but irl I much prefer urethanes.


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