Just chill
Don't fret, girlfriend. I've got it covered... *smirk*
This is about what my hair decided to look like this morning... Honestly, it had dried (washed it pretty late last night) into a perfect mohawk-style that I almost wore to work since it was so damn cool and symmetrical. But it wouldn't have worked with my chosen wardrobe for the day, so I had to fight to get it down and neat again. Not as easy as styling fur wigs, I tell you!
This is in fact the other wig I got from Spite&Malice a while ago (the other being Phoenix's wig). It's the long red one, which I've hacked and styled a lot. When I first got it, I styled the locks this way and that to find out what I wanted to do with it and a mohawk-style just happened. And looked so damn cool on Fyrd that it just stuck.
I originally got this one because I thought it might be a bit thinner than the regular fire red one he has as a default. Thinner wig -> more natural and easier to style. Like Nigel's wig (long black) is definitely thinner than the short wigs boys have. Thenagain, Yuffie's short butterblond is also pretty thin, whereas Eiko's long chocolate brown is pretty thick. And so is this long red one :D But fluffy hair looks ok on Fyrd, at least on camera so it's fine...
Anyways I'm addicted to S&M wigs. Elena just opened custom wigs and I'm trying very hard not to go to her thread to order some. I can't have any more! Fenny's wig is good for him and Yuffie's going to get a fiber wig soon. Eiko's wig is already a bit of an extra, I don't really use it too much... Maybe I really need to go through my wig-collection again and just throw the unused ones to the sales page =_=
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