Who? Me?
It's been quite long since I last took photos of my dolls, and of course I had to pop the Red in front of the camera once I had the energy.
Poor little Fyrd, he's always suspected to be the bad guy... :( It's written in his character (every redhead on Cheshka is thought to be a witch because of him) and apparently I portray it so well, it keeps Darling scared of any hint of red anywhere. And it's contagious, now Sugar and Dear are also on that band-wagon. The poor bugger's so under-appreciated :(
Our D&D campaign 'Bloody Pirates' continued last weekend. I've hinted at long lost mystic magical weapons, the ruptures of the fabric of creation, invasion of pirates, missing corpses of knights of the past and what gets most attention? Whether the pirate captain or commodore has red hair. :D Honestly, I half assumed the party would just toss away the garnets they gained as loot because they are red gems, which obviously is a sign of a curse. Now don't get me wrong, this is accumulatingly hilarious and I fully intend to use this in my benefit ;)
I'm actually trying to keep reaccuring NPCs to minimum this time around. Valentine noted to me that my loved NPCs have a tendency to be too cool and immortal and that's not what I want. So far Elyze has made an appearance, but she's very different from the time I played her. She has a new sheet, new stats a much lower level for starts. Some more minor NPCs I'm more comfortable to reintroduce, like Fitz the archives apprentice that I just had to throw in for Darling ;)
So this means new NPCs to develop, many stats to roll, feats to decide (or to find a good NPC generator). New villain motives to plan and new maniacal laughters to master.
Don't worry, Fyrd! I'll keep you in my heart as the one true villain though :D
And we are going to love every second of it. <3
VastaaPoista"Valentine noted to me that my loved NPCs have a tendency to be too cool and immortal and that’s not what I want."
VastaaPoistaYeah, sometimes - especially with The Bringer of Chaos and All Things that are Red, but also with the two assassins - it gets bit frustrating when they do seem entirely invincible. Not just un-kill-able, but entirely beyond the reach of us PCs to do anything about them. But that was precisely why it was so gratifying to blow their heads to smithereens in DG.
Recurring NPCs, which I've taken to calling cameo-roles for the GM, are a bit of a two-bladed sword. They're fun and engaging, but can get old fast. I feel they're generally best kept as teasers and small glimpses, so players remember to be properly and fittingly scared of red handkerchiefs and green ties. ;)
Funny that you mention the assassins. Because while cool, they're never immortal. You killed them in the Guild, and you killed them in DG. They're supposed to be tough, and not killed in the first encounter, but they're killable alright. Unlike a certain blond druid, a black-haired hacker, a smooth criminal etc. are. I was first going to make Matt be the one to nick a purse at the cheese stand, but I took Valentine's advice here and made some new nimble-fingered characters to play with. And it actually gave me a much better scenario in the end, because Gabe could have been killed while being a hostage.
VastaaPoistaI guess this is one of the instances where first impressions count for a lot. If they're impervious to harm, or being inconvenienced even, when first met, they seem to be that for the rest of eternity. Even actually defeating them later doesn't mitigate it, that's how strong the impression usually is.
VastaaPoistaBear in mind, I wasn't complaining of anything related to last game. Au contraire, I have been pleasantly intrigued by all the new characters in Bloody Pirates. So has Cillian, but he's an easy halfling to intrigue. :P
First, what in the blazing spirals has gotten you up this early? Or are you still up?
VastaaPoistaAnd second, no no, I wasn't taking it like that. You make a valid point and I'll keep that in mind with NPCs to come. And that actually makes sense. And shows me why you were so scared of the assassins in DG, although you kicked their asses in every encounter (they needed to teleport to safety each time, without making you even bleed too badly). It was because they kicked your asses in the Guild :D
So some kickable NPCs, coming up.
Once bitten, twice shy, as the saying goes. ;) But I certainly won't object to beating some NPC arse. :D
VastaaPoistaI have a Jyväskylä-day today, I need to hit the train early. :)