Spring Light

Spring Alex 1

"Who gives a fuck about spring..?" asks my emo-boy Alexander, who doesn't get much exited about anything. But I do! This is the best time of the year to take photos, due there being light. Now I just need to find more motivation. Or just drag the dolls outside, since my lack of motivation is mostly due to using the same backdrop all year round. This time I put Lexy against a green fabric, since it has that spring feeling and it looks good with his hair colour.

Spring Alex 2

And a nose shot for Dear, who loves it as much as I do :3 I hadn't much played with Axel, but yesterday when we had a doll-meet, I took all the boys with me. Partly because I knew that the girls would like to see them, but also because if something would happen in the meet (or while travelling), the boys can be replaced. And good thing that I did, since Nigel was the one to make a face-plant and took some black smudges to his nose. Luckily they came off just fine with magic eraser, since I wouldn't want to redo his face-up. I still dunno, if the hacker decided to do this drastic plunge to the floor because I had made him stand next to Fyrd for so long or if the red-head gave him a little push... ;)

Anyway, taking Alex out and handling him again for a bit made me remember just how much I really love this doll. He looks so grumpy, angsty and 'I-don't-wanna-be-here', but he's just sooo adorable! <3 It' no wonder though, as he was the one doll that made cave into SD boys. And now there's no turning back :(

Hmm... maybe I'll try to take some pics of Lexus-Nexus and his 'granpa' now that the latter has his wings :D

(And that was four nicknames for Alexander cramped into one post, hurraah!)


  1. I love his "seriously?" look <3 bwaah he makes me itch for some resin boys in the house.. so cool!

  2. Yes, boys are cool! You can definitely try one out ;) You were thinking of a really beefy one though right?

  3. Just came to say: That nose 8 My boys are too big or they bite when I try to hold them...

  4. Thank you, Dear! You really need that one cuddly boy then ;) Waiting on Mihaly...

  5. Oh Alex. <3 That sulky look of his really just begs for a hug. :D Oh resin boys. <3

  6. I'm into broody boys... ;) And cheery girls :D


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