
I just checked and my first photo of Hani uploaded on my Flickr was June 21st 2012. I've had Hani (as Hani) almost for a year now but I still haven't finalised her character... She's maintained her teeth-corroding looks and actually has just gotten more and more creamcakey as time went by. And actually, she's still a boy XD But thenagain, I don't know if I would even want her to be a true girl or keep her as a boy in frills. All my Teenies would be non-conventional when it comes to their gender: Hippu is an andorogyn (started with a boy body), Nuu's body is actually called hermafrodite (but she's a girl to me) and now Hani is a girl on a boy body.

The one character trait I've had in mind for Hani since the beginning is that she'd have a huge crush on Hippu. But Hippu thinks of her as a little sister. But how have they ended up in that situation? I've got plenty of options.
First, I could go with the Hippu = LeBrant = Lucifer route and make Hani an angel of sorts as well. She could be Gabriel (who in DG was the most gender-bending one anyway), but Gabby wasn't into that much frill. Michael had an obsession with Lucifer, but you can't really think of him in frills either XD Raphael could pull off the pastels, but he is too neutral to have feelings towards anyone. The white wings would work well with this story-option.
I first gave Hani these black/pink eyes so that she could have both sweet and a dangerous side, as in the eyes would show more and more red as she got angrier. This is a trait I've used in my Magi-novel, where the children with magical power had red in their eyes. This would mean a cross-universe story which are always a pain to explain. It's hard enough to explain one setting, let alone two that are mashed up. Thenagain, the Hippu/Nuu story is already such a mess, I don't think I could make any more sense of it anyway XD
Now if I wanted to keep the story at "souls from Cheshka trapped into bodies of dolls in our world", Hani could be another traveller from Cheshka. The best one would have been Calewa, but I already did her as Kalla and she was way different from Hani. Of course, she was then trapped in Nikki's body and maybe if she was freed she could be different? Hippu could be the one to set her free (or at least she could believe this to be so) and it would explain the whole crush-thing. Also, Calewa could be seen in frills. She's usually pretty much lilac/black, but I could ignore this for now. It would also give me a possible character for that tan TG that I was planning to name Milki Chocolate. Calewa has a twin brother who's the exact opposite of her and the tan TG could portray that.
There is of course one person in Cheshka who already has a huge crush on LeBrant and this love is painfully one-sided. Lumaar could be put in frills, but helpless/damsel-in-distress/adorable is not something one would use to describe that vixen. Hani would have to be quite two-faced to be Lumaar in disguise and show only this cute front to Hippu. And it wouldn't work with the boy body. At all.
Or Hani could be another animal spirit, like Nuu. If Nuu is a faun, Hani could be that little bear. Or dove if I give her the white wings to keep. I don't know how to really explain the gender-bending thing in this case though.
Or. I could just give up with the story and keep them as the cutests little dolls I can get :D
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