Round and Round

One of my most reaccuring dreams is that I'm going back to high school, to get better grades or do better choises with my courses or something. It never makes much sense after a while, when I realise in the dream that I've already done high school and even a university degree. For the longest time, I've thought that the dreams were about me regretting taking the easy way out on my education and not going for something a bit more challenging with a better prospect of employment in my field of study. It's not that I really regret what I did, I would have never met Darling for example if I hadn't chosen philosophy as my major. Or I might have not been as active in the student groups if I hadn't had so much free time. I might have not enjoyed those years I spent at university as much.
But still, when I was a kid, I wanted to be an astromomer or a psychiatrist. I can't go to study either at university level, because I never took physics courses at high school. Plus, now that we owe quite a large sum of money to the bank for our apartment, I can't really be a student of any kind... -_- Not unless we win the lottery or something. Funny how my if-I-win-a-lottery-wish is not actually to get loads of dolls (if I had millions, sure I'd get a few more, since I could also afford a bigger house with more space for those dolls) but to go study a new degree! ^w^
Anyway, back to the dream. This time I was not back at high school as such, but I was going to an auditorium with some friends I know from elementary school. These two are actually in every back-to-high-school dream I have, even though we never went to the same high school. At the auditorium, there was aman that I knew was a former hockey player. Can't remember his name though, or if he really was a hockey player at our local club, but in the dream this was a given fact. He was there giving a lecture how their hockey coach preached to them to get a proper degree so that they would have something to fall back on if their hockey careers came to an end (like for injury or retirement or something). This man had chosen graphic designing as his chosen secondary career and was actually giving us the advice not to do the same, since there was such competition with graphic designers and you had to be really good to support yourself.
He then went on to do a graphic demonstration on how to draw a bird with feathers using a drawing tablet. Or maybe it was an angel or something, I just remember it being very light yellow in colour with loads of feathers to do. Funny, as graphic designing might also have been one of those careers I might have considered if I now had the chance to re-educate myself. My subconscious is giving me clear NO-DON'T-DO-IIIIT-signs...
BTW, Sugar told me that the price of tablets is not nearly as high as I was anticipating! I haven't got around to purchase one since I thought I couldn't justify the price tag, but if I can get a working one with a price she quoted...
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