
These two pretty much hate each other and wouldn't voluntarily be photographed this close together. So lets just pretend that Emma forced them to pose for the camera, alright? XD I love both of these sulky boys though... And they are damn broody, when it comes to it. Nigel is very rarely seen smiling, he thinks 'fun' is something that he isn't cool enough to have. And Alex is just dwelling on his teen-mopey-angst-phase.
Ha! I dunno if I much wrote about it (sorry if I'm again repeating myself), but as I was waiting on Nigel to come home, I had Enrill as my back-up if Dia didn't work out as Nigel. Yeah, Enrill can look as pouty as Nigel needs to be (Alex is a living proof), but now I can't think of Nigel with any other face anymore. Also, my internal image of Nigel-the-character has started to look exactly like Soom Dia, his doll form. Now I dunno if I ever manage to draw him again, since now I have to get the drawing to look like a perfect copy of the doll...

But it gives me a new perspective on how Darling was all meh about any picture we drew of Daniel. He had such a vivid image of that character, nothing else really compared anymore. I hope I can overcome some of that with Nigel, since it'd be really fun to draw him sometime again. and it'd be cool to see someone else draw him and see how others perceive my little hacker :D
Returning to back-up plans about Dia. I did mention to someone that if he didn't work out as Nigel, I could make him a Bory XD But that too is now out of the window. Bory and Nigel don't look alike in my head, and Nigel has dibs on Dia now. Otherwise Dia might have really worked though, since Bory tends to look both fierce and soft depending on mood (and who he's talking to), and Dia can pull that off.
But I've actually got a new inspiration to do another drawing of Bory, especially since I need to give Nigel a bit of room atm. Bory in his bright red shirt and donning his captain's hat with the massive plume XD The important thing here is however, that I'm actually liking this character again, including playing as him. I was in a rut with him for the longest time which felt really bad especially because he was my favourite character ever to play before. I'm glad Darling and I managed work something out, or that he encouraged me to bear with it. I had dreaded that it would take too long (his life in shambles and three games before the finale...) for Bory to find something else to fill his life after the enchantress and I'd be stuck to dragging him around. But in the end, this solution was pretty appropriate for his background.
Now I'm off to redye my hair pitch black. Which you shouldn't read too much into. I have plenty of characters with black hair. Like Bory. And Nigel. (Also Ryle, who would be perfect as tan Dia and it'd be totally ok for him to look exactly like Nigel :D )
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