Sixth time does not make the charm...

Last week I got the new ED eyes for Yuffie and Fyrd. These are now Yuffie's sixth pair of urethanes and it's still not perfect! Getting closer though and these I can live with for now. These are ED Milky #53 18mm in wide iris + wide pupil, highdome. IRL they look very lovely pale lavender, but they photograph pinkish and I have to use colour correction to make them look better. Luckily the plain Auto-Color does most of it.
What I want for her eyes is this:

These are actually the Lorina default blue eyes, with the hue changed +50. I want amethyst eyes for her, bluish amethyst.
Now here's the funny part: I was going to get her the Dollflower Amethyst eyes, but in the last moment swithed them to Kunzite, since they were rarer and I thought they looked really cool, like paler amethyst. And when I got the Kunzites home, they were way too pink! After that, I have gotten her ED #38s, which were again too reddish. I actually preferred her in the Milky #44s, which are supposed to be dark blue with a touch of purple by the pupil, but no such thing in my pair. The blue is gorgeous though.

The above is a more accurate photo of these new eyes, althoughI've still colour corrected it towards blue. They do have this amazing sparkle to them though and I love the lightness of the colour. I just wished they were a touch more blue. I'm still keeping my eyes open for a new pair. There's still ED Sweety #10, but I think they are too grey. Where as Sweety #53 again looks too red. Bleh....
She's so beautiful * 3*
VastaaPoistaI've seen one pair that to me looks similar to the color youre looking for, but they're not as cutesy-style. Gumdrops/Ethereal angels .. There's also ones with loads of shimmer called Purple Pearl, but they may be too dark in color.
Hope you find what you're looking for!
Thanks for the tip! I'll have to look into how to order Gumdrops, I've sorta always thought it to be too much of a hassle, but if I could get the right eyes... It could be very well be worth it :)