It is on!

I seriously have the worst luck ever with online orders... Let me tell you:
I have been away from figures for a long time. The last one I bought was the Black Rock Shooter blade ver. and that was back in 2010 (I had to actually check that...). But I was browsing Good Smile Company's site about the Snow Miku nendo that's coming up and found the above gorgeous girl! She is perfect! Her name's Hacker (or Chelsea, I dunno, but I'm calling her Hacker anyways!) - which is perfect in relation to Nigel, and the reason for this post's title - and that styling is exactly what I wanted for Yuffie when I first got her.
That pose! That sulky impression! And that poor trampled stuffed bunny! :D I had to have her.
But. Her preorders had already closed on GSC's shop. I went HLJ, also sold out there. Went to PlayAsia. She was still available. But I was at work, so I wanted to get home to do the order. I linked her photos to FB using my phone and while doing that, I realised I could just use my phone to make the order. And...
She was already sold out on PlayAsia. I couldn't believe it. It had been fifteen minutes. I was fifteen fucking minutes too late!
I felt really bummed... I showed her photos to Valentine during lunch and even he thought that Hacker looked cool. not that he regretted that my money was saved, but it's really rare to have Valentine approve my PVC girls :D
Well, I did some more scrounging and finally found a place where Hacker was still available for preorder in a reasonable price. Still 10$ more than it would have been from PlayAsia, but well... So now she's ordered and paid for!
Really though, my luck recently:
- the Crobi lollipop wig incident (missed it twice before finally getting it)
- Crobi dark denim jeans (sold out once I was first ordering them, but thankfully I managed to add them to my order once they restocked)
- RoseDolls/Fyrd (I could have ordered him on November 30th 2012, but no! I just had to wait for LM winter event... and then the shop closed...)
- Angelic Pretty Royal Chocolate ivory skirt (when I finally decided I wanted it, the AP Paris shop was gone :( )
- Hacker (read above)
Honestly, I know this is just matter and a stupid thing to stress about, but still...
But I got my AP Chelsea skirt :D It's cute! And although I'd still love to get that Royal Choco ivory skirt and Chess Choco skirt, I think I have to delay all AP purchases to the trip to Japan (although they have the cutests parka's in stock now!). I still have to save some more money for that trip and on top of that I have to get the new Dollflower beige Fer for Fyrd... That coat would be perfect for him... But this all means that I have to scratch Snow Miku of my list of things to get. Thenagain, I love Nyaruko and maybe I don't want to get on the Miku bandwagon after all...
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