First peek (Ha!) of Nigel

Soom Dia male

The joke here is of course that I've already had two different Nigels come through here, so it's not really a first peek per se. But SD!Nigel came home today and I immediately sanded his parts and gave him a face-up. I can't get him together though, since my kit was missing the S-hook to hold the head... Need to pop by a hardwarestore today unless I figure out some sort of a solution to this.

Nigel was enjoyable to paint (although I use no actual pain to do face-ups, I dunno what would be a better verb here). I already know what the general feel should be and I've figured out how to add the layers of pastels to make the smoky eyes I need. Those lips though! They are marvellous! ? They are huge as hell which gives me a nice big canvas to work with :3 Hope you like the results!


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