
I love Disney classic, there's no denying it. I have almost all of them, even though I have no kids to use as an excuse. But I also really like Disney-with-a-twist :3 I love listening to Disneymania songs, which are covers of the most known Disney songs. And now I've found the joy of Disney fan-art like the above, for example, would be a perfect tattoo for me XD Those who know me IRL will know why...

Another Little Mermaid one... I really love the atmosphere in this one *3*

Beauty and the Beast is my favourite Disney movie of all time.

But Rapunzel (Tangled) is coming close second.


  1. I love the first Ariel picture. ;w; Disney fan art, always making the day brighter. If it's well made, of course. I'm always a Mulan-girl. Aladdin, LionKing and Robin Hood battle for second place. :D

    I have to admit, I haven't seen Tangled yet. T_T Got to fix that one.

  2. I would say that Tangled is worth watching, but since your list of favourite Disneys are the exact opposite of mine (although they're still good, just not my favourites), I dunno whether my recommendation would mean much ;)


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