I'm a space criminal

Whether or not it was wrecking around by being a god, the Other-Me got herself into quite a pickle. The details of what she was sentenced of remained unclear to me, but she was sentenced to do 50 'mounts' which in this dream world was a slang term for a random gig in space.

I understood it that the gigs were mostly clearing out space debree near satellites or something. The jist of it was that the job was potentially harmful and could cost your life if something went wrong. But we were expendable, had done something wrong to the society. I don't think any of us was really a murderer or anything though, at least it wasn't the crime that sent them here.

We were all in our thirties. There was a black-haired, a bit overweighted woman whom I'm very tempted to call Sue. She was a clear-headed, laughing person, fun to be around. Also there was an Indian man, looked a lot like Raj, but without the comic relief aspects. And then there was the other man, a wiry, skinny fellow. His face was rough, messy light brown hair was cut short and he never smiled. I'll call him Leo.

Other-Me and Leo had at times hit the sac together and I was considered to be his... something, although it wasn't a relationship as such. At this point, this on-again-off-again thing was in off-position. Probably due to him trying to kill us all...

We had betrayed him someway and he wanted to get revenge.

Now this is where it gets interesting :D At first, he killed sue and Raj and I was trying to escape him in the space station when I woke up. It had been a nightmare that I tried to shake off, but didn't really succeed. I fell asleep again, returning to the same dream, but before he had started to spill blood. This time we tried to reason with him, with some success actually. I woke again. Since it was around 5:30 am, I tried to get more sleep, and returned again to this dream. This time though, Leo wasn't the problem. We were now working somewhat undercover but our cover had been blown. So we were forced to bug out and I was busy trying to get everything I needed into the little bag I had. everything else had to be destroyed so we wouldn't leave any clues behind. I remember that sue was very shocked of the bug out and I cursed her for being that slow and unuseful.

Finally I woke up for real.


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