

Yuffie got two pairs of Aamu urethanes with flower irises. The above pair was the one I thought would be really Yuf-like and they do go well with this particular pink-striped wig of hers. But I still think they're a bit too red... Fonnu how I really want some bluish purple eyes for her, but always end up with something pink/red/reddish-purple.... Maybe I need to give up and just go pink with her?

No! I just need to broaden my search! :D Because the pair below I actually bought for Eiko, so she could twin up with Yuffie with matching flower eyes. But they're perfect for Yuf-Puf! Alright, maybe I'd need a bit more saturated purple for her, but as flower eyes, these are pretty damn pretty.

Flowereye 1

Also, these are more like 20mm, althought they were sold as 18mm. But this is great, since Yuffie looks better with bigger eyes anyway. Now I'm really glad I got her newest (yet incoming) ED urethanes with the wide iris+pupil. But thenagain, I'm thinking of getting her another pair of the Milky #44s, in 20mm size... >_< There's no end to buying urethanes, I tell you!


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