Social Call

I had Sugar visiting me today :) and all her dolls :D I can't believe how she managed to drag three full MSDs, one Petite and a head here, but it was cool to see them all again. All of them are styled so nicely in their casual gear, although each one still an individual :3 I'm still all smileys apparently ;)
I hate that it's winter which meant that it was no use even trying to get a photo of them :( Now that her Sakarias has a fur wig, the boy looks like the perfect father to the little Minttu! And with both of them in CK hoodies/shirts and with jean bottoms, it was just so cuuute! I would have also liked a photo of Emilia and her ruffle flower skirt. That doll just gets cuter every time :3 Sugar, I love your dolls! Even though I say it too rarely...
Now I sorta want to put my girls back to their casual wear... But I'm a bit tired Yuffie stealing Eiko's Haruhi shirt, although she does look good in it. That girl need some CK of her own. And quick. And anytways, I'm waiting for their School outfits to arrive and then they'll be dressed in those until an out-of-town meet in January. So I'll have time to get few hoodies for Yuffie in the meantime. And one for Fyrd...
I was talking to Sugar about Fyrd's upcoming wardrobe, since it's becoming a bit more clear to me. He'll need that one limegreen/brightred hoodie with the red spiral in the back, but mostly it'll be lace and ruffles for the poor boy >:) I'm dreaming of lace ruffle shorts for him, as well as a lace hoodie. I've already found one adorable ruffle shirt from Blueblood that he'll be getting. And for female!Fyrd, I'm wishing for the My Fair Lady outfit from Atelier Soda (the copy of Ciel Panthomhive's famous crossdressing scene), only in mahogany brown and cream :3
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