Personal favourites of 2012

My Personal Favourites 2012

Another Flickr-found idea: a collage of my personal favourites of photos from year 2012. So here I'm looking back at my photography from 2012. More of my favourites in one way or another after the break:


My absolute favourite is the above shot of Alex. I didn't put it in the collage, since I already used it in my Most of 2012 meme collage.

IceCoffee Ruffle set

Above is a close-up shot of my IceCoffee Ruffle set. The photo itself isn't that bad either, but I cose the photo for what it meant for my doll funds in 2012. This year I made a lot of outfit sets that sold on Etsy, Flickr and the forums. It made bying Alex possible so thank you all who supported my clothing shop!


I made the collage out of pics of my own dolls, but this year I've also gotten the chance to take photos of my friends' dolls. Above is a beautiful profile shot of Dark's Renate. I owe credit to Tiirikka as well, who made Ren do this pose. Once I saw it, against the backlight of Dark's window, I had to snap a photo of it! Another nice shot of Dark's doll below. Ebony was so pretty this summer:


Another play with light came from that same shoot, of Tiirikka's Minttu:

Minttu is Adventuring

Where is My White Rabbit?

Once I had two MSDs, I finally got to do a photoshoot with two mini girls. I had gotten both an Alice and a Cheshire Cat outfit, wigs to suit both and these were perfect for Manna and Éire. I even planned to do another shoot once I got Nikki in the same size, so it'd be Alice, cheshire and the White Rabbit. Maybe Hippu as a Mad Hatter to top it off! It all fell apart of course once I decided that the minis were not for me...

Leather Rock Ballerina Princess 02

Another lovely shot of Éire. I took her to Valentine's parents' summer house, and took some quick shots. Loving this redhead! I hope that 'her' bigger version comes home soon!

Maximo & Melinda

All of my dolls got some neat new outfits in 2012. In the Éire picture you could see one of the corsets I got for my mini girls. (Too bad that the seamstress doesn't make them in SD size, since I could use one for Fyrd...) I also spotted these perfect outfits for Hippu and Nuu from Dollheart! Now they are the banner on my FB and the decoration on my credit card :D Hippu is still wearing this Maximo set, it's just so perfect for him!

Tears of Hani Vanille

Hani always looks so sad in all of her photos... The tears were a spur of the moment since there was dew on the grass everywhere, but I think it looks great.

I got you!

I also tried something completely new: collages!


And I got a new 'backdrop' ;)

December Nuu

I found some new tips for using photoshop on my photos, sadly only after it got really dark so I couldn't take that many photos anymore. But now I use them to at least some extent on all my photos.

Rebellious Kimono 4

Like in the above pic of Eiko.

Well, next year I'll try to do even better with my photographing. I'll definitely still use the filters on PS, but I also want to learn to take the best photos raw as I can. It'll be easier when we get more light, but I can't use that excuse forever. I need to invest some proper indoor lighting.

But most importantly of all, I hope you have enjoyed looking at my photos this year, and that you'll stick around with me for 2013!


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