Most of 2012

A new Flickr meme, where I've collected my most viewed, faved and commented pics, plus my personal favourite.
Top left is Hani's New Eyes, my most viewed pic of 2012. I was really surprised to see that this pic was at the top. Maybe it was because it was linked to a comparison thread of ED eyes? And the pink/black eyes are a rarity, haven't seen a combo like that by anyone else. I'm actually thinking whether I should get her another pair like this, only with black/turquoise. Well, maybe after I get all the wigs I currently have on order :D And once Yuffie is satisfied with her hoard of eyes...
Top right is the most favourited pic of 2012, Custom wigs from Leeke, another comparison photo. It was just piling up on the favs, although the pic isn't anything special imo. Just a snapshot to show the new wig. Still, it's got 18 favs. My all time most faved picture is Fairytale 4 (of Eiko in her default Lorina outfit), which has over 60 favs :D But that is pretty much the only really popular picture I have.
Lower left is Manna's Corset, which gained most comments. I guess a pretty girl showing a lot of skin loosens the tongues? ;) Actually the most comments were on my Who would you adopt MEME pic, but that picture was made for getting comments, so I didn't count it here. I really need to comment more on other people's photos next year. I see really awesome photos in Flickr, but only comment on a fraction of them... Thenagain, those comments would be (just) 'what a lovely doll' oneliners, and in the quantities I wanted to say it, it would make me look a bit like a spammer. But if I write it on your photo, I really mean it!
Lower right is my personal favourite of 2012: Striped. I was a bit bummed that it went relatively unnoticed, since I was really psyched about this photo. I love Alex's expression here, his gleaming eyes and yes, the resin abs. Now I just think that I should have named the photo Strip(p)ed :D
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