Lightening the Incoming-list

My share of a Dollmore group order arrived today :3 Inside: a drill for Alex's ear. A few minutes after, my boy has an earring! It was actually really easy to do and I'm very happy with the result! I also got Alex's guitar from that order, but shhh! It's an X-mas present for Alex, all wrapped up now ;)
There's also a package from China waiting at the post (Valentine's going to get it tomorrow), which should have the Yo-SD lace shoes from Etsy.
And Soom released their SD Saiph today. I'm safe from her! Yey! At first glanse she looked very dangerously Audrye-like with her little smile, but no, there's just something off. The lips look not as luscious as the ME version and since 14mm eyes look huge on her, she's not going to work next to my big-eyed Volks girls. (I think I need 20mm eyes for Yuffie...)
But on the other hand... I'm starting to fall for Little Monica Dyuke. And he could be Yuffie's older brother Mycroft. A nice sculpt, a character and a name ready... Not good :(
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