Spur of the moment

So today I casually went to browse Soom's site to see what sort of Teenies had they released now. It's actually quite ironic now, that it was the SO Pyrol/Minette. Pyrol, as some may remember, was Nikki's first doll form. I didn't bond too well with him though, I didn't like the neck size and when I had the chance to switch him into a Bygg, I took it. But as I've ranted on several occasions now, I wanted to upgrade Nikki into a bigger doll. My first objective was t get him as an MSD, but I toyed with the idea of an SD version as well. The SD shell that I had in mind was Soom NS Sard.

Soom has released a few NS Sard versions. The human SO version and as the elf-eared version in their FC event. FC of course came with a fantasy body, but that could be splitted. Nevertheless, I thought that this would be a vague doll plan, something to think about in the future. I was more set on waiting for WithDoll to release their mini boys and get one of those as my Mini!Nikki.

A few weeks ago, Withdoll finally did release their boys again. But I looked at them, and just felt nothing. They are fine, but not gorgeous. Not must-gets. I haven't gotten that must-get feeling about any MSD boy, except maybe for Luts Bory (who wuldn't fit in with my slim minis). Soom Sard has felt like a must-get, but I always considered him too large. But now that I've gotten into SDs, size isn't the problem anymore...

So, I'm on Soom's site. Pyrol and Minette are cute, but don't need them. Minette's outfit looks nice, maybe something to get for Hani or that tan tiny I might get someday... Let's see what else there is. On a whim, I went to see what sculpts they offered in their X-mas kits. And in SG kits, there was a NS Dia offered as a male.

I know there's some difference between Sard and Dia, but to me, they look same enough. Here it was being offered, Nikki's possible shell, on discount.

I chatted with Valentine, about it and then he offered to pay half of it as a X-mas present to me. I was like O_O And then I just had to do it. An hour ago, I made the order. Now waiting begins. I'm Soomed again!

Now I have nothing ready for Nikki, except his laptop... I need to sew him some clothes asap and order a wig for him and Fyrd. (We'll get back to Fyrd in some later post, I'm now all about squeeing over Nikki.) I have blue eyes in several sizes here, hoping that he can live with one of them until I can get him the proper eyes in the proper size...


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