Well into the night

Third to last game of the RPG arc I'm currently leading was last night. We played for what, 6 and a half hours straight? Longest I can remember for a game of mine... But there were quite a lot of off-mission stuff I wanted to do at this point. Mainly, the switch in command for the London unit, perhaps foreshadowing future events, hmm? Also, Emma's main story in the game is now through :3 Next up, maybe Alex? *grin*
Emma's arc ended more sweetly than I thought, because of certain player character choices. I have to admit, I had it in my head how the trio would have conquered over the assassins, the amulet held by Emma when Fyrd came along and taken hostage by the red-head. Ordering Daniel to not worry about her but save the amulet and complete the mission with "I love you, D" being her last words would have been quite an exit for her. But fine, boys got the drama this time. And it's actually better for her to have survived anyways.
And I just love how Severe turned out. XD Yeah, she's a bit too oozing-sex-sniper-killer, but damn she's fun to play!
Oh Severe. Sadly, Tico seems to be prone to miss her presence. Having them in acctually same scene would be more than just hilarious. :DDD
VastaaPoistaIt was an awesome game last night, I yet again, thank you for it. <3 It was epic indeed. :D Emma's story was really fun to follow.
And for once it was an epic success! I might find a way to put Severe and Tico in the same scene, but there's somethings I still need to figure out and tweak.