Shaking things up
So lately I've been thinking about my dolls. I've been thinking which of them are ones that I would never let go and which would be on the chopping block if push comes to shove. I've also been thinking what qualities the doll must have so that I'll keep an interest in it and 'play' with it. And which dolls are just decorations.
I could never let go of Hippu and Nuu, my first two dolls. I bought both because they were just too adorable to pass up. Both had tht 'buy-me!' quality. And I like the little size, they are easy to take with me or just pop on the table beside me. Hani is also adorable, but I haven't got as attached to it as I have with the other two.
Also Eiko and Yuffie are dolls that I just love sculpt-wise. Eiko is the prettiest doll that I have and I can just oogle at her endlessly. Yuffie looks more quirky, but she's also my achievement-doll and has sentimental value because of it. To my surprise, I also love Alex very much, although I was very scared about getting a boy doll. He has so much expression on his face and is just cuddly.
The minis, however... They are the ones I have gotten purely for character reasons. Sure, I like Unoas, and I love to sew in their size, but I don't do stuff with them nearly as much as I do with my other dolls. Nowadays they just sit on my self. I'm not pleased with Manna, I liked her better on the Unoa body... I just redid her face-up and she looks a lot better than her previous sunburnt pink. Still, I dunno what it is that's wrong. Is it the wigs (that show the wigcap horribly)? If she can be fixed by getting her a better wig in the same shade (I've got a couple of options picked out I'd be great. But maybe she'd just be a better looking decoration?
Now Éire... I like her, I love her character, but she really stands out among the little dolls since she's the only one in non-pastels. Maybe I should just redress her in pastels, it's not her true look, definitely not fyrdish, but I like my dolls in pastels :( Currently I've got her in b/w and trying to see if that'd be a good compromise... I tried on one of my pastel wigs on her and she did look good, although it'd mean redoing her face-up :(
And now that I haven't had Nikki in a while as a doll, I think I might not really need him after all. True, I'd like to get him for Manna, but he'd just sit there next to her all the time. I think he might just be better suited as a writing character after all. I would need him for photostories, but... What if I just quit that storyline altogether? It was nothing spectacular anyway.
And if I quit that storyline, I could really just keep those little dolls that I absolutely wanted to keep. And sell the rest. This would mean keeping Hippu, Nuu and Hani. And selling Manna and Éire. And I could also get rid of all the mini stuff I've accumulated. I could then keep an option for a really cute tan doll, either a petite (Soom Bygg or Hati in bronze, or Afi?) or an MSD (although in this case I'd keep the extra nice stuff I've got in this size).
If I eliminated the mini size, I could also keep an eye out for a fourth big doll, be it Nigel or Fyrd. Both have problems though, and for both it accumulates from the fact that I'd again be looking for a doll to suit a character. Nigel as doll in any size would be pretty boring. He has one look, which could be seen as a DeathNote-L-clone. The photos would be repeating themselves pretty soon. Sure, as an SD I could 'cuddle' him more and keep him as a sort of a mascot, but do I want to spend around 500€ on a mascot doll? Especially since Fyrd would be a better mascot for me anyway. I love Nigel, but Fyrd... Fyrd is just more close at home :)
Now Fyrd, he would fit pretty well with my SDs, aesthetically speaking. He'd wear casual, brown/red/green clothes with bright red hair and bright green eyes. I'm thinking of a flattened girl body for him, since he's pretty ambiguous in appearance. I have no head though. And I have no place for him in the story of my other SDs... Sure he can be Mysterium, but he doesn't really make an appearance the their story. And do I need him to be a part of their story? I don't now :(
I also thought of getting Alistair as an SD, but I don't really want another big girl. Mycroft (Yuffie's older brother) might be a better option. *krhmnotlookingataVolksWilliamsnotatallkrhm*
See?! I'm already thinking what I would do once the minis are gone! Last time this happened was when I started thinking that if just got rid of Alistair (ver. 1) I could get some other doll... And we all know what happened then. Maybe I should just start sorting through my mini stuff... Although this is a very bad time to be selling anything, hoping to get my money back.
Whew! That was a rant! But it's better to get that off my chest :)
I'd miss your mini girls. ;w; But Yes, definatelly you should sell them if you really feel like it. If it feels like waste of shelf base, it's just better get rid of them and get something that feels more you. ^^
VastaaPoistaAnd I propably should not say this, but as soon as you mentioned SD Fyrd, I had a vision of that Iple's SID Eric.... xD That guy has so tasty grin...
... And now, I'm imagine a Fyrd-Tico-Jeff group shot, Tico and Jeff looking very akward while Fyrd grins.
VastaaPoistaHmm.. I'd need a more bishi Fyrd ;) Just the kind of doll that you couldn't tell right away if it was a boy or a girl.
VastaaPoistaxD I know what you mean. Soom boys are probaply more to it. But they ain't smiling sort, as sad as it is. Well, maybe you pass him by someday. :3
VastaaPoistaI'll just need a smirk *grin* I was almost thinking that LM Demetri could be made into an evil smiling man, but then his profile is off for me :( (the nose bridge is too thick). Soom's probably out, since I can't think of an existing sculpt that'd work for Fyrd and the new ones are less and less my type.
VastaaPoistaBut I'm not actively trying to find one! So don't go around tempting me with evil dolls!!! :D :D