Yuffie got new eyes that I'm not sure I'm going to keep as her defaults. Maybe I should have just gone with the Amethyst instead of trying Kunzite... They are better though than photoshopping her eyes in every photo though, so I'll stick with these for now. I alrwady have plans for an eye-horde for her... :3
On other purchases, I'll be getting that Rei II after all. It was looking grim as Valentine called me this morning, having checked out the local electronics store. They were all out of mini laptops. apparently everyone should be switching over to tablets now so they don't stock minis anymore. and since I want a white one specifically, I was feeling very desperate.
Fortunately my good friend Google didn't fail me and I found a couple of online stores that still had a white Asus mini laptop available. We'll be ordering one tonight :D
Eiko also got new eyes and these I'm very satisfied with. Now she can look sideways as well!
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