Naming Woes: Help Wanted!
Although I'm having serious troubles getting started on the story about Eiko, Yuffie and Alex, I'm still determined to get on with it. At some point. I just find it so much easier to write my Nigel-stories. The trouble with both of them is: I can't come up with a name for either! I don't really want to keep calling Nigel-stories 'Nigel-stories' or 'DeathGrip-stories' forever. The teenage-trio has it worse, I'm currently calling it the E-Y-A story...
I've come up with a few suggestion for Nigel, but I haven't locked any of them. You can see my line of thought here though. Please vote for one of them, or suggest your own!
a. Binary Knight
b. Social Binary
c. Sleep Deprivated and Socially Awkward
For Eiko's story, it might be difficult to form an opinion, since I haven't revealed much about it, save what can be read from their doll profiles... But I'd want something vague. Help?
E-Y-A makes me think of "Triple Trouble" or "Diaries of Young" or something like that. I doubt that's very useful.
VastaaPoistaWith Nigel however, I do have suggestion of having word "kernel" in it, since that defines Nigels place in knights quite well. "Kernel of The White" or something like that. I'd might stuff IRL to it as well, but i'm a super geek after all. <.<
IRL is a good suggestion. I'm not sure about Kernel though... Nigel is more like an add-on than an operation system. The reason I want to use the word 'binary' in the title is because of his online nick 'Vainary'.
VastaaPoistaI tried to roll 'Troubles of Three' on my tongue but I got only Charmed-wibes from it :( Besides, I'm looking for something a bit more poetic. Like 'House with different names' which is my photostory title.