Here's to good health! For years to come
Eiko is cheering me up as I'm cooped up at home on yet another sick day. It's getting more and more cold in the mornings, so even she's wearing a hat outside now. But now I'm on antibiotics, since I finally went to the doctor to complain about my constant dizziness and lack of energy. Hopefully they'll go away by curing my ear infection.
Not enjoying this day one bit. It would have been miserable even healthy, but now it's just too damn depressing. Another milestone reached today, a milestone I really, really wanted to forget. But of course in these times of Facebook other people are actually prompted to remember it for you. I guess I have to let them congratulate me on my effing birthday but I'm so not enjoying it. 28 is just too... much. I can't really fake anything younger anymore, and I've only got 29 and then.. 30 to look forward to. 28 is the end of youth.
I know I've got a bucket list ready, and that those things don't have an expiration date (well, not one that I could look back on to regret anyway), but there were some other things I wanted done or achieved at the age of 27 or younger. Now it's over. Can't go back in time. I can only regret not going for them sooner.
Sure a birthday (even 28th) isn't the end of the world. I'll live through it. I've achieved some stuff I wanted from life already and should be proud of those. I am proud of those. But gluttony for more seems to be my sin. Or maybe this falls under greed? Envy, perhaps, towards those who have done the things I wanted to do? Sloth, for not just getting on with it? Pride? Ha, only vanity and wrath are actually sins I don't really relate with...
I have no sins!
Well, I'll just take comfort on getting some new eyes for Yuffie much sooner than I thought. So she should have some darker eyes coming in early next week. Valentine was already exasperating about why I need all these new doll eyes all the time. Maybe as a birthday present for myself?
I hope you heal up soon! ;_; It's irritating to be sick.
VastaaPoistaI have always had trouble to undrestand people who have trouble with age, I guess I'm not that kind of person who has cabapilities for that. I love birthdays, or acctaually any excuse to do/say/give something special for people I like. Ironically, I seem to have no need to celebrate my own birthdays. I do not dislike them, yet I don't feel need to have parties either. I guess that's the curcse when you are born at christmas time.
I guess in my wolrd, getting certain things by certain age is lil like getting grades in school. Yeah, it's nice to get good grades, but only on rare occations that really means more than those average grades. Even people with bad grades success in life, those with good ones too often get too cocky about their achievements so it kinda blows up in their face.
So dontcha worry, grades won't matter, only how you use them in a future. ;3
I understand your point of view and I acknowledge that it is stupid to worry about age and achievements. It's just that I am one those people who got good grades (and perhaps got cocky about it). Once I lost that ambition, I got average grades and ended up in a workplace not related to my education in any way. But where work is just means to fund other aspects of my life, some other achievements hit closer at home.