
I have a throbbing pain in my left jaw. This is because on Monday, the dentist pulled out two of my wisdom teeth. In January, they take out te other two. When I started this whole process of getting my teeth fixed, I promised myself a doll as a reward for going through with it. I was thinking about finally getting that tan doll, and making it as sugary sweet as was the candies which destroyed my teeth and got me into this whole dentist thing in the first place.
I was browsing through different doll shops, actually trying to find a suitable sculpt for Fyrd (which I'd really love to have as a doll!), I came across Luts Noella. Ans it so happens, that Luts has now released a tan color, available on almost all of their dolls. Noelia is a beauty :3 She'd look gorgeous in tan. And a certain name creeped up in my mnd: Alistair.
Alistair was my first tan doll, a Soom Pel (now currently residing as Emilia @ Tiirikka). But she didn't work out, since she was too out of scale with my Unoa. She had a huge head and a very childish body in comparison. So sadly, I had to let her go (now I also think it's because the MSD size gets so neglected in this house as well). But I was looking to get another tan doll, although not necessarily as Alistair.
The tan doll I was going to get as a dental-prize was going to be named Hani Vanille Cupcake. But I already gave that name away to my revamped Soom Bygg. I thought about getting her a tan twin though, either a tan Beyla or Hati, but only if it's a human version. If it's ever made possible by Soom, I might still do this :D Hani's tan sibling would have been Milk Chocolate Cupcake.
But then as I got to thing about maybe getting a tan Noelia, I was missing a name. And the best name for a tan doll, which would also link her character to Eiko, Yuffie and Alex, would be Alistair Weston-Pryce. Ali is a former class-mate of Yuffie's and is friends with the girls. Also Ali's big brother is dating Alex's aunt :D My only reserve about the name is, that all my other SDs are named after Final Fantasy characters (which is why I was thinking of a tan SD named Hani Vanille in the first place...) and I'd hate to break the pattern... She named after a game character, yes, but then she'd demand a Fenris to go with her... Mmmm, a tan SD boy... No, no! Must not go there!
Only reservers sculpt-wose I have is that Noelia's face is a bit slim. My Volks girls are bobble-heads, with wide faces, Yuffie particularly so. I dread that Alistair would look out of place with them. But she's got the prettiest little nose and the most kissable lips ;__; Which also are very distinct compared to Lorina and Souseiseki....
And she's lovely, but is she a must-get? Could I go without her? (Yes, yes, of course I could, but you know what I mean!) And do I really want another SD girl? Or should I just wait to get Nigel and/or Fyrd? I'd love to get a more romantic looking big girl, but maybe she'd just end up as a decoration? :(
SD-girls are the best! And your Noella mock up looks fabulous *3*
VastaaPoistaI've been curious about the size of Senior Delf, because I know Feeple65 could share the clothing and shoes with them so, but on Luts site it says they're only 60cm? Somehow they seem very rare, and I haven't seen any in person yet.
Yeah the DoA thread isn't too active and I couldn't find too many pictures on Flickr, and even fewer without the default face-up. I read though that Senior delf girls fit into SD13 size clothes (for instance Dollheart which is a huge plus!) only the hem might be a tad too short. 60cm in height would be perfect for Alistair though, since she's a tall girl and both Eiko and Yuffie are supposed to be short.