That song in my head

So tonight, I had a two-fold dream. First, Other-Me had her bizarre experiences and then she decided to make it into a free-form large-scale RPG which made it even more bizarre. And she apparently has just as many problems making an RPG game happen as me :) Or even more so, actually... I've at least done some campigns, this was her first (that I know of).

Other-Me was in some kind of a party from which she desperately had to away from. She took a night-bus which arrived to the market square. She then forgot something to the bus (a phone I think), but couldn't get it back anymore since the bus had already left.

She then wandered down the street, by Hansa and came across some of my paternal relatives, which were all in good shape (irl one should be paralyzed or recovering and another one should have late stage Alzheimer's or be dead; I'm not that informed about their conditions). I then went to my grandmother's new apartment, with my old cat (that I had to give away because of my allergies) and my two-year-old son. It appears that Other-Me has stuck with my old life-plan to get pregnant at least by the age of 25, the plan which I threw out the window at 24. Well, I'm glad it was her son, not mine, because the brat was irritating as hell, and not pretty.

Soon after this, I had gathered a large group of people (like twenty or so, most of them my classmates from middle school, who haunt my dreams over and over again, it seems) to do the RPG with/for. Darling was also there, we had discussed this game beforehand and he had a character ready and he was psyched to start playing. I on the other hand, had to go around choosing players for all the rest of the characters and making up new characters for the rest of the players.

The set-up was this. A girl had just taken a bus (haha! remember this?), trying to get away from somewhere, but do to people chasing after her, the bus had crashed into a gas station and was now starting to burn. The girl was gaining consciousness, clutching in her hand a medallion that she needed to keep safe and not lose to the soon-to-blow-up bus (this is also a deviant from the previous art of the dream).

Darling was a police officer coming to the scene (with three very unadept constables). He was also a werewolf cultist (I award this for his last RPG character Fenrir), trying to get the medallion. He had a back-up of three wolves, who were waiting his mark. Also after the medallion was a vampire lady,  a very seductive, evening-gown type of woman. Her boss (an even more seductive, naked-and-oiled type of woman) was also one the main player characters.

I was nearly done with casting when I suddenly noticed that my players had vanished. Irritated, I started to look for them nearby and finally found some of them, hanging out in the lobby of a hotel (which looked more like the interior of the pub School, but was a hotel in the dream). Alright, I could work with these, because fewere people was actually for the better. All the main cast save the boss-vampire were accounted for and I could recast her or just play her myself. But Darling was missing. The game was about to begin and he was supposed to be in the first scene.

I finally notice him, drunk and hilarious, wobbling along the higher corridor and drag him to the play room just as his character's theme was starting to play. His character's name was Chevalier and I could hear that theme song in my head for minutes after I woke up. It's some classical tune I know! But can't put a name on. Valentine could have helped but he's at work... Well, I knew it would probably make things worse, but I tried to find it in Youtube, since I was pretty sure it was Mozart. Figaro's wedding has a same sort of a tune, but that was not it. It is a sort of a mix of Figaro's and William Tell's overture and clearly brings horses to my mind... Ah well, maybe it'll come back to me...

Edit. Valentine found it for me :D It was Mozart's Eine Kleine Nachtmusic, just not the most known portion of it. In the above link you can find the part that kept looping in my head from at 0:55.


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