New... Well, just the banner, but...

The Red-Haired Man

So I did some upgrading to my site and site-related stuff. Actually, that just means I searched for some Fyrd-friendly fonts and redid my photo-watermark and site banner. Hopefully it looks a bit better than the last?

Anyways, new Fyrd-related stuff needs a new Fyrd! (See above.) It's been ages since I've really drawn him, but it was fun to finally get to it! And now I can finally use my own picture in my about-Fyrd :D

For now, no one has admitted to have gotten the Matt/Emma joke in the last DG chapter :(


  1. Dawww, I did. <3

    Damn, Fyrd is hot.

  2. Yeah... He kinda is... ;)
    But unfortunately I simply cannot fully render it on paper. Maybe I should just start drawing Matt and then always color his hair red. That seemed to work and was the only pretty Fyrd I've ever done myself...


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