When Does MY Boyfriend Come Home?!


Manna's all ready for Nikki to be reshelled as a mini :3 But he'll have to wait! Firstly I have no sculpt decided for him, secondly all doll-funds currently go for Alex (400/500€). So she'll have to wait a bit longer. But the corset I got her is magnificent! Matches her ACR pants perfectly and fits her bosom nicely.

Manna's Corset

Lovely Manna... I love/hate her wig. It's seemingly impossible to taim, but still I like the way it looks. The curls are perfect and so's the color.

Manna's Corset

I'm also getting more used to LM body. It always looks better photographed than IRL, I think. Still, I need to give her a manicue, maybe a bodyblush as well.


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