Stories and Characters

Now that Yuffie has claimed all black&white clothes, Eiko got her Haruhi shirt back. I of course had to make her a Haruhi-headband to suit it :D I think she only needs a sweater jacket for winter and summer shoes for summer and then she's got everything she needs! Thenagain, the doll-spending never seems to cease... :(
I still haven't written any stories for her and Yuffie. I've got some story-ideas in my head, but none that'd make a whole piece. The main problem though is that I have no real place to shoot the big girls. They have minimal props (so do the small one too though), I have very limited space... And on top of that, Yuffie still doesn't stand on her own so she's a sitting character atm. (Plus I want their real eyes before I do any any photostories, it'd be a pain to recolor Yuf's eyes in every shot...)
Or I just tell myself that that is the main problem. I could just take them outside and be done with it. There's also the problem that I haven't figured out Eiko's character quite through. When I bought her she was supposed to be this enthusiastic teenager who just does what she wants to, very Haruhi-like. But when I decided I needed Yuffie after all, she sort of stole part of that character. Yuffie is bossy, snarky, and makes it happen if she wills it. Combined with a haruhi-person it'd be too much in a duo. They'd need to balance themselves a bit more. Of course Yuffie could be Kyon to Eiko's Haruhi, but it really doesn't work without a Mikuru or at least a Yuki...
When I first saw Lorina, I thought I'd make her Vivi, the very sweet girl and Souseiseki would be Eiko. Now I think as I got my Souseiseki to be even more than Eiko, I need to make my Lorina more like Vivi. Maybe Eiko (as she is now, Lorina) should be an enthusiastic and curious girl, but still very sweet and caring. She'd keep Yuffie out of (too much) trouble but mainly concern herself with her little teenager problems. Yuffie would be the troublemaker and moving force of the duo, but would love Eiko since she is the only one who actually really cares for Yuffie. Thsi might be it.
Now to just wait for their eyes and a place to shoot some stories :D

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